Yep, as I said below, I consider to add auto scale up/down for worker
threads with connection load balance ability. It may let users not
entangled with how much thread number I need. :-(

Actually thread number for config value is a pain in ceph osd io stack.....

On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 2:45 PM, Somnath Roy <> wrote:
> Thanks Haomai..
> Since Async messenger is always using a constant number of threads , there 
> could be a potential performance problem of scaling up the client connections 
> keeping the constant number of OSDs ?
> May be it's a good tradeoff..
> Regards
> Somnath
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Haomai Wang []
> Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 11:35 PM
> To: Somnath Roy
> Cc: Mark Nelson; ceph-devel;
> Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Initial performance cluster SimpleMessenger vs 
> AsyncMessenger results
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 12:18 PM, Somnath Roy <> wrote:
>> Mark,
>> Thanks for this data. This means probably simple messenger (not OSD
>> core) is not doing optimal job of handling memory.
>> Haomai,
>> I am not that familiar with Async messenger code base, do you have an
>> explanation of the behavior (like good performance with default
>> tcmalloc) Mark reported ? Is it using lot less thread overall than Simple ?
> Originally async messenger mainly want to solve with high thread number 
> problem which limited the ceph cluster size. High context switch and cpu 
> usage caused by simple messenger under large cluster.
> Recently we have memory problem discussed on ML and I also spend times to 
> think about the root cause. Currently I would like to consider the simple 
> messenger's memory usage is deviating from the design of tcmalloc. Tcmalloc 
> is aimed to provide memory with local cache, and it also has memory control 
> among all threads, if we have too much threads, it may let tcmalloc busy with 
> memory lock contention.
> Async messenger uses thread pool to serve connections, it make all blocking 
> calls in simple messenger async.
>> Also, it seems Async messenger has some inefficiencies in the io path
>> and that’s why it is not performing as well as simple if the memory
>> allocation stuff is optimally handled.
> Yep, simple messenger use two threads(one for read, one for write) to serve 
> one connection, async messenger at most have one thread to serve one 
> connection and multi connection  will share the same thread.
> Next, I would like to have several plans to improve performance:
> 1. add poll mode support, I hope it can help enhance high performance storage 
> need 2. add load balance ability among worker threads 3. move more works out 
> of messenger thread.
>> Could you please send out any documentation around Async messenger ? I
>> tried to google it , but, not even blueprint is popping up.
>> Thanks & Regards
>> Somnath
>> From: ceph-users [] On Behalf
>> Of Haomai Wang
>> Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 7:57 PM
>> To: Mark Nelson
>> Cc: ceph-devel;
>> Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Initial performance cluster SimpleMessenger
>> vs AsyncMessenger results
>> Interesting that async messenger will consume more memory than simple,
>> in my mind I always think async should use less memory. I will give a
>> look at this
>> On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 12:50 AM, Mark Nelson <> wrote:
>> Hi Guy,
>> Given all of the recent data on how different memory allocator
>> configurations improve SimpleMessenger performance (and the effect of
>> memory allocators and transparent hugepages on RSS memory usage), I
>> thought I'd run some tests looking how AsyncMessenger does in
>> comparison.  We spoke about these a bit at the last performance meeting but 
>> here's the full write up.
>> The rough conclusion as of right now appears to be:
>> 1) AsyncMessenger performance is not dependent on the memory allocator
>> like with SimpleMessenger.
>> 2) AsyncMessenger is faster than SimpleMessenger with TCMalloc + 32MB
>> (ie
>> default) thread cache.
>> 3) AsyncMessenger is consistently faster than SimpleMessenger for 128K
>> random reads.
>> 4) AsyncMessenger is sometimes slower than SimpleMessenger when memory
>> allocator optimizations are used.
>> 5) AsyncMessenger currently uses far more RSS memory than SimpleMessenger.
>> Here's a link to the paper:
>> Mark
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