On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 7:57 PM, Tuomas Juntunen
<tuomas.juntu...@databasement.fi> wrote:
> Hi
> Is there any other kernel that would work? Anyone else had this kind of 
> problem with rbd map?

Well, 4.1 is the latest and therefore the easiest to debug, assuming
this is a kernel client problem.

What is the output of /sys/kernel/debug/ceph/*/* when this happens?  We
need to know whether it's making a very slow progress or just stuck, so
capture that output with something like watch(1).  On the userspace
side crank up the log level - say, debug ms = 1 for osds and mons.
Unmap, map, reproduce and attach the above, along with full a dmesg.


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