On 06/01/2015 05:34 PM, Wang, Warren wrote:
Hi Mark, I don¹t suppose you logged latency during those tests, did you?
I¹m one of the folks, as Bryan mentioned, that advocates turning these
values down. I¹m okay with extending recovery time, especially when we are
talking about a default of 3x replication, with the trade off of better
client response.

Hi Warren,

I have the per-second rados bench latency data: Basically the last latency and then the running average. There's also periodic updates with max and avg latency. I don't have the rados bench summary information though as when the cluster returns to a healthy state the test gets killed.

I uploaded the cbt archive data from these tests here (~314MB archive):


Basically it's a big nested directory structure with the rados bench output, collectl data, etc. BurnupiX is the server and BrunupiY is the client.

If you go into the collectl directories, you can use collectl to playback cpu, disk, and other system metrics during the tests. For instance, to see the disk data during 4MB write erasure coding tests with "double" recovery settings as detailed in the document I linked earlier:

[nhm@burnupiY data]$ cd 
[nhm@burnupiY collectl.burnupiX]$ collectl -sD -oT -p 
burnupiX-20140327-103040.raw.gz | head -n 10

#Time     Name       KBytes Merged  IOs Size  KBytes Merged  IOs Size  RWSize  
QLen  Wait SvcTim Util
10:30:42 sda              0      0    0    0       0      0    0    0       0   
  0     0      0    0
10:30:42 sdd            152      0   19    8   48145      1  151  319     284   
 35   180      5   85
10:30:42 sdc            680      0   85    8   24002      1   95  253     137   
  4     9      4   81
10:30:42 sdg            672      0   84    8   18308      0   78  235     117   
  1     9      5   84
10:30:42 sde            404      0   51    8   26761      0   87  308     196   
 27   249      5   77
10:30:42 sdi            816      0  102    8   12269      0   52  236      84   
  1     8      4   64
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