I like the idea of turning the defaults down.  During the ceph operators 
session at the OpenStack conference last week Warren described the behavior 
pretty accurately as "Ceph basically DOSes itself unless you reduce those 
settings."  Maybe this is more of a problem when the clusters are small?

Another idea would be to have a better way to prioritize recovery traffic to an 
even lower priority level by setting the ionice value to 'Idle' in the CFQ 


From: Josef Johansson <jose...@gmail.com<mailto:jose...@gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, May 29, 2015 at 4:16 PM
To: Samuel Just <sj...@redhat.com<mailto:sj...@redhat.com>>, ceph-devel 
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Discuss: New default recovery config settings


We did it the other way around instead, defining a period where the load is 
lighter and turn off/on backfill/recover. Then you want the backfill values to 
be the what is default right now.

Also, someone said that (think it was Greg?) If you have problems with 
backfill, your cluster backing store is not fast enough/too much load.
If 10 osds goes down at the same time you want those values to be high to 
minimize the downtime.


fre 29 maj 2015 23:47 Samuel Just <sj...@redhat.com<mailto:sj...@redhat.com>> 
Many people have reported that they need to lower the osd recovery config 
options to minimize the impact of recovery on client io.  We are talking about 
changing the defaults as follows:

osd_max_backfills to 1 (from 10)
osd_recovery_max_active to 3 (from 15)
osd_recovery_op_priority to 1 (from 10)
osd_recovery_max_single_start to 1 (from 5)

We'd like a bit of feedback first though.  Is anyone happy with the current 
configs?  Is anyone using something between these values and the current 
defaults?  What kind of workload?  I'd guess that lowering osd_max_backfills to 
1 is probably a good idea, but I wonder whether lowering 
osd_recovery_max_active and osd_recovery_max_single_start will cause small 
objects to recover unacceptably slowly.

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