Our hardware is like this, three identical servers with 8 osd disks, 1 ssd
as journal, 1 for os, 32GB of ECC RAM, 4 GiB copper ethernet. We deploy this
cluster since February 2015 and most of the the system load is not too
lots of idle time.

Right now we have a node that mounts rbd blocks and export them as nfs. It
works quite well but at a cost of one extra node as bridge between storage
client (vms) and storage provider  cluster (ceph osd and mon).

What I want to know is, is there any reason why I shouldn't mount rbd disks
one of the server, the ones that also runs OSD and MON daemons, and export
as nfs or iSCSI?  Assuming that I already done my homework to make my setup
highly available using pacemaker (eg. floating IP, iSCSI/NFS resource),
something like this would be better as it is more reliable? ie. I remove the
middle-man node(s) so I only have to make sure about those ceph nodes and

Thank you
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