
I misread your initial question and did not notice the *.$host. AFAIK it has 
never worked this way, even with Emperor. If you want to change the 
configuration of the daemon running on same host you're running the command, 
you can probably use something like

ceph daemon osd.0 config set osd_agent_delay_time 10
    "success": "osd_agent_delay_time = '10' "

Or if you prefer to use ceph tell you need to figure out which osd are running 
on the local machine first.


On 21/05/2015 17:54, Kenneth Waegeman wrote:
> /usr/bin/ceph -f json --cluster ceph tell *.mds01 injectargs -- 
> --mon_osd_min_down_reports=26
> 2015-05-21 17:52:14.476099 7f03375e7700 -1 WARNING: the following dangerous 
> and experimental features are enabled: keyvaluestore
> 2015-05-21 17:52:14.497399 7f03375e7700 -1 WARNING: the following dangerous 
> and experimental features are enabled: keyvaluestore
> error handling command target: unknown type *
> Same with other config options, eg. mds_cache_size
> Those warnings I always get;-)
> Running on 0.94.1
> On 05/21/2015 05:36 PM, Loic Dachary wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It should work. Could you copy/paste the command you run and its output ?
>> Cheers
>> On 21/05/2015 17:34, Kenneth Waegeman wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We're using ceph tell in our configuration system since emperor, and before 
>>> we could run 'ceph tell *.$host injectargs --  ...' , and while I'm 
>>> honestly not completely sure anymore this did all what I think it did, it 
>>> exited cleanly and I *suppose* it injected the config in all the daemons of 
>>> the local host.
>>> Anyway, running the recent version (0.94) , I saw this was not possible 
>>> anymore to use it this way.
>>> Is there a way to inject config only to local daemons ? (tell osd.* takes 
>>> all osds of the cluster)
>>> Thanks again!
>>> Kenneth
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Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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