
Is this possible outside of multi-zone setup. (With only one Zone)?

For example, I want to have pools with different replication
factors(or erasure codings) and map users to these pools.


On 3/13/15, Craig Lewis <> wrote:
> Yes, RadosGW has the concept of Placement Targets and Placement Pools.  You
> can create a target, and point it a set of RADOS pools.  Those pools can be
> configured to use different storage strategies by creating different
> crushmap rules, and assigning those rules to the pool.
> RGW users can be assigned a default placement target.  When they create a
> bucket, they can either specify the target, or use their default one.  All
> objects in a bucket are stored according to the bucket's placement target.
> I haven't seen a good guide for making use of these features.  The best
> guide I know of is the Federation guide (
>, but it only briefly
> mentions placement targets.
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 11:48 PM, Sreenath BH <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Can one Radow gateway support more than one pool for storing objects?
>> And as a follow-up question, is there a way to map different users to
>> separate rgw pools so that their obejcts get stored in different
>> pools?
>> thanks,
>> Sreenath
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