Jajaja :) damn fire wall :P well thank you for your patience! Have a great day Robert and Steffen
Jesus Chavez SYSTEMS ENGINEER-C.SALES jesch...@cisco.com<mailto:jesch...@cisco.com> Phone: +52 55 5267 3146<tel:+52%2055%205267%203146> Mobile: +51 1 5538883255<tel:+51%201%205538883255> CCIE - 44433 On Mar 12, 2015, at 3:20 PM, Robert LeBlanc <rob...@leblancnet.us<mailto:rob...@leblancnet.us>> wrote: We all get burned by the firewall at one time or another. Hence the name 'fire'wall! :) I'm glad you got it working. On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Jesus Chavez (jeschave) <jesch...@cisco.com<mailto:jesch...@cisco.com>> wrote: This is awkard Robert all this time was the firewall :( I cant believe I spent 2 days trying to figure out :(. Thank you so much! Jesus Chavez SYSTEMS ENGINEER-C.SALES jesch...@cisco.com<mailto:jesch...@cisco.com> Phone: +52 55 5267 3146<tel:+52%2055%205267%203146> Mobile: +51 1 5538883255<tel:+51%201%205538883255> CCIE - 44433 On Mar 12, 2015, at 2:48 PM, Robert LeBlanc <rob...@leblancnet.us<mailto:rob...@leblancnet.us>> wrote: I'm not sure why you are having such a hard time. I added monitors (and removed them) on CentOS 7 by following what I had. The thing that kept tripping me up was firewalld. Once I either shut it off or created a service for Ceph, it worked fine. What is in in /var/log/ceph/ceph-mon.tauro.log when it is hunting for a monitor? On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Jesus Chavez (jeschave) <jesch...@cisco.com<mailto:jesch...@cisco.com>> wrote: Hi Steffen I already had them in my configuration <emoji_u1f61e.png> I am stress now because it seems like none of the methods did help :( this is bad I think I am going to get back to rhel6.6 where xfs is a damn add on and I have to install from centos repo make ceph like patch :( but at last with RHEL6.6 work, Shame on RHEL7 the next time I will sell everything with ubuntu lol Jesus Chavez SYSTEMS ENGINEER-C.SALES jesch...@cisco.com<mailto:jesch...@cisco.com> Phone: +52 55 5267 3146<tel:+52%2055%205267%203146> Mobile: +51 1 5538883255<tel:+51%201%205538883255> CCIE - 44433 On Mar 12, 2015, at 1:56 PM, Steffen W Sørensen <ste...@me.com<mailto:ste...@me.com>> wrote: On 12/03/2015, at 20.00, Jesus Chavez (jeschave) <jesch...@cisco.com<mailto:jesch...@cisco.com>> wrote: Thats what I thought and did actually the monmap and keyring were copied to the new monitor and there with 2 elements I did the mkfs thing and still have that Messages, do I need osd configured? Because I have non and I am not sure if it is requiered ... Also is weird that monmap is not taking the new monitor I think I should try to configure the 3 monitors as initial monitors an see how it goes Dunno about your config, but I seem to remember when I decommissioned one mon instance and addition of a new on another node that I needed to have mon.<id> section in ceph.conf inorder to be able to start the monitor. ceph.conf snippet: [osd] osd mount options xfs = "rw,noatime,nobarrier,logbsize=256k,logbufs=8,allocsize=4M,attr2,delaylog,inode64,noquota" keyring = /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-$id/keyring ; Tuning ;# By default, Ceph makes 3 replicas of objects. If you want to make four ;# copies of an object the default value--a primary copy and three replica ;# copies--reset the default values as shown in 'osd pool default size'. ;# If you want to allow Ceph to write a lesser number of copies in a degraded ;# state, set 'osd pool default min size' to a number less than the ;# 'osd pool default size' value. osd pool default size = 2 # Write an object 2 times. osd pool default min size = 1 # Allow writing one copy in a degraded state. ;# Ensure you have a realistic number of placement groups. We recommend ;# approximately 100 per OSD. E.g., total number of OSDs multiplied by 100 ;# divided by the number of replicas (i.e., osd pool default size). So for ;# 10 OSDs and osd pool default size = 3, we'd recommend approximately ;# (100 * 10) / 3 = 333. ;# got 24 OSDs => 1200 pg, but this is not a full production site, so let's settle for 1024 to lower cpu load osd pool default pg num = 1024 osd pool default pgp num = 1024 client cache size = 131072 osd client op priority = 40 osd op threads = 8 osd client message size cap = 512 filestore min sync interval = 10 filestore max sync interval = 60 ;filestore queue max bytes = 10485760 ;filestore queue max ops = 50 ;filestore queue committing max ops = 500 ;filestore queue committing max bytes = 104857600 ;filestore op threads = 2 recovery max active = 2 recovery op priority = 30 osd max backfills = 2 ; Journal Tuning journal size = 5120 ;journal max write bytes = 1073714824 ;journal max write entries = 10000 ;journal queue max ops = 50000 ;journal queue max bytes = 10485760000 [mon.0] host = node4 mon addr =<> [mon.1] host = node2 mon addr =<> [mon.2] host = node1 mon addr =<> _______________________________________________ ceph-users mailing list ceph-users@lists.ceph.com<mailto:ceph-users@lists.ceph.com> http://lists.ceph.com/listinfo.cgi/ceph-users-ceph.com
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