
I'm having a live cluster with only public network (so no explicit network
configuraion in the ceph.conf file)

I'm wondering what is the procedure to implement dedicated
Replication/Private and Public network.
I've read the manual, know how to do it in ceph.conf, but I'm wondering
since this is already running cluster - what should I do after I change
ceph.conf on all nodes ?
Restarting OSDs one by one, or... ? Is there any downtime expected ? - for
the replication network to actually imlemented completely.

Another related quetion:

Also, I'm demoting some old OSDs, on old servers, I will have them all
stoped, but would like to implement replication network before actually
removing old OSDs from crush map - since lot of data will be moved arround.

My old nodes/OSDs (that will be stoped before I implement replication
network) - do NOT have dedicated NIC for replication network, in contrast
to new nodes/OSDs. So there will be still reference to these old OSD in the
crush map.
Will this be a problem - me changing/implementing replication network that
WILL work on new nodes/OSDs, but not on old ones since they don't have
dedicated NIC ? I guess not since old OSDs are stoped anyway, but would
like opinion.

Or perhaps i might remove OSD from crush map with prior seting of
 nobackfill and   norecover (so no rebalancing happens) and then implement
replication netwotk?

Sorry for old post, but...


Andrija Panić
ceph-users mailing list

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