ceph 0.80.1 
The same quesiton.
I have deleted 1/4 data, but the problem didn't disappear
Does anyone have other way to solve it?

At 2015-01-10 05:31:30,"Udo Lembke" <ulem...@polarzone.de> wrote:
>I had an similiar effect two weeks ago - 1PG backfill_toofull and due
>reweighting and delete there was enough free space but the rebuild
>process stopped after a while.
>After stop and start ceph on the second node, the rebuild process runs
>without trouble and the backfill_toofull are gone.
>This happens with firefly.
>On 09.01.2015 21:29, c3 wrote:
>> In this case the root cause was half denied reservations.
>> http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/9626
>> This stopped backfills since, those listed as backfilling were
>> actually half denied and doing nothing. The toofull status is not
>> checked until a free backfill slot happens, so everything was just stuck.
>> Interestingly, the toofull was created by other backfills which were
>> not stoppped.
>> http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/9594
>> Quite the log jam to clear.
>> Quoting Craig Lewis <cle...@centraldesktop.com>:
>>> What was the osd_backfill_full_ratio?  That's the config that controls
>>> backfill_toofull.  By default, it's 85%.  The mon_osd_*_ratio affect the
>>> ceph status.
>>> I've noticed that it takes a while for backfilling to restart after
>>> changing osd_backfill_full_ratio.  Backfilling usually restarts for
>>> me in
>>> 10-15 minutes.  Some PGs will stay in that state until the cluster is
>>> nearly done recoverying.
>>> I've only seen backfill_toofull happen after the OSD exceeds the
>>> ratio (so
>>> it's reactive, no proactive).  Mine usually happen when I'm
>>> rebalancing a
>>> nearfull cluster, and an OSD backfills itself toofull.
>>> On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 11:32 AM, c3 <ceph-us...@lopkop.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am wondering how a PG gets marked backfill_toofull.
>>>> I reweighted several OSDs using ceph osd crush reweight. As
>>>> expected, PG
>>>> began moving around (backfilling).
>>>> Some PGs got marked +backfilling (~10), some +wait_backfill (~100).
>>>> But some are marked +backfill_toofull. My OSDs are between 25% and 72%
>>>> full.
>>>> Looking at ceph pg dump, I can find the backfill_toofull PGs and
>>>> verified
>>>> the OSDs involved are less than 72% full.
>>>> Do backfill reservations include a size? Are these OSDs projected to be
>>>> toofull, once the current backfilling complete? Some of the
>>>> backfill_toofull and backfilling point to the same OSDs.
>>>> I did adjust the full ratios, but that did not change the
>>>> backfill_toofull
>>>> status.
>>>> ceph tell mon.\* injectargs '--mon_osd_full_ratio 0.95'
>>>> ceph tell osd.\* injectargs '--osd_backfill_full_ratio 0.92'
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