2x10gig lag across two switches with 2x40gig. should be enough bandwidth

On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 6:10 AM, Eneko Lacunza <elacu...@binovo.es> wrote:
> Hi,
> The common recommendation is to use a good (Intel S3700) SSD disk for
> journals for each 3-4 OSDs, or otherwise to use internal journal on each
> OSD. Don't put more than one journal on the same spinning disk.
> Also, it is recommended to use 500G-1TB disks, specially if you have a 1gbit
> network; otherwise when a OSD fails recover time can be quite long. Also
> look in the mailing list archives for some tunning of backfiling for smalls
> ceph clusters.
> Cheers.
> Eneko
> On 06/02/15 16:48, pixelfairy wrote:
>> 3 nodes, each with 2x1TB in a raid (for /) and 6x4TB for storage. all
>> of this will be used for block devices for kvm instances. typical
>> office stuff. databases, file servers, internal web servers, a couple
>> dozen thin clients. not using the object store or cephfs.
>> i was thinking about putting the journals on the root disk (this is
>> how my virtual cluster works, because in that version the osds are 4G
>> instead of 4TB), and keeping that on its current raid 1, for
>> resiliency but im worried about making a performance bottleneck.
>> tempted to swap these out with ssds. if so, how big should i get? is
>> 1/2TB enough?
>> the other thought was little partitions on each osd. were doing xfs
>> because i dont know enough about brtfs to feel comfortable with that.
>> would the performance degredation be worse?
>> is there a better way?
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