Hmm, upgrading should help here, as the problematic data structure
(anchortable) no longer exists in the latest version.  I haven't
checked, but hopefully we don't try to write it during upgrades.

The bug you're hitting is more or less the same as a similar one we
have with the sessiontable in the latest ceph, but you won't hit it
there unless you're very unlucky!


On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 7:37 AM, Mohd Bazli Ab Karim
<> wrote:
> Dear Ceph-Users, Ceph-Devel,
> Apologize me if you get double post of this email.
> I am running a ceph cluster version 0.72.2 and one MDS (in fact, it's 3, 2 
> down and only 1 up) at the moment.
> Plus I have one CephFS client mounted to it.
> Now, the MDS always get aborted after recovery and active for 4 secs.
> Some parts of the log are as below:
>     -3> 2015-01-15 14:10:28.464706 7fbcc8226700  1 -- 
> <== osd.19 73 ==== osd_op_re
> ply(3742 1000240c57e.00000000 [create 0~0,setxattr (99)] v56640'1871414 
> uv1871414 ondisk = 0) v6 ==== 221+0+0 (261801329 0 0) 0x
> 7770bc80 con 0x69c7dc0
>     -2> 2015-01-15 14:10:28.464730 7fbcc8226700  1 -- 
> <== osd.18 67 ==== osd_op_re
> ply(3645 1000007941c.00000000 [tmapup 0~0] v56640'1769567 uv1769567 ondisk = 
> 0) v6 ==== 179+0+0 (3759887079 0 0) 0x7757ec80 con
> 0x1c6bb00
>     -1> 2015-01-15 14:10:28.464754 7fbcc8226700  1 -- 
> <== osd.47 79 ==== osd_op_repl
> y(3419 mds_anchortable [writefull 0~94394932] v0'0 uv0 ondisk = -90 (Message 
> too long)) v6 ==== 174+0+0 (3942056372 0 0) 0x69f94
> a00 con 0x1c6b9a0
>      0> 2015-01-15 14:10:28.471684 7fbcc8226700 -1 mds/ In 
> function 'void MDSTable::save_2(int, version_t)' thread 7
> fbcc8226700 time 2015-01-15 14:10:28.469999
> mds/ 83: FAILED assert(r >= 0)
>  ceph version  ()
>  1: (MDSTable::save_2(int, unsigned long)+0x325) [0x769e25]
>  2: (Context::complete(int)+0x9) [0x568d29]
>  3: (Objecter::handle_osd_op_reply(MOSDOpReply*)+0x1097) [0x7c15d7]
>  4: (MDS::handle_core_message(Message*)+0x5a0) [0x588900]
>  5: (MDS::_dispatch(Message*)+0x2f) [0x58908f]
>  6: (MDS::ms_dispatch(Message*)+0x1e3) [0x58ab93]
>  7: (DispatchQueue::entry()+0x549) [0x975739]
>  8: (DispatchQueue::DispatchThread::entry()+0xd) [0x8902dd]
>  9: (()+0x7e9a) [0x7fbcccb0de9a]
>  10: (clone()+0x6d) [0x7fbccb4ba3fd]
>  NOTE: a copy of the executable, or `objdump -rdS <executable>` is needed to 
> interpret this.
> Is there any workaround/patch to fix this issue? Let me know if need to see 
> the log with debug-mds of certain level as well.
> Any helps would be very much appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Bazli
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