So is there any other alternative for over the WAN deployment ..  I hava
use case to connect two Swedish unversities (few hundreds km apart) .

Target is that user from univ A can write to cluster to univ B and can read
the data from other users .


On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 7:41 AM, Robert van Leeuwen <> wrote:

> >> however for geographic distributed datacentres specially when network
> >> flactuate how to handle that as i read it seems CEPH need big pipe of
> >> network
> >Ceph isn't really suited for WAN-style distribution. Some users have
> >high-enough and consistent-enough bandwidth (with low enough latency)
> >to do it, but otherwise you probably want to use Ceph within the data
> >centers and layer something else on top of it.
> Indeed.
> Ceph is not aware of WAN links.
> So reads and writes will be done remotely even if there is a copy locally.
> Bandwidth might not be much of an issue but latency certainly will be.
> Although bandwidth during a rebalance of data might also be problematic...
> Cheers,
> Robert van Leeuwen



Zeeshan Ali Shah
System Administrator - PDC HPC
PhD researcher (IT security)
Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan
+46 8 790 9115
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