
I stumbled upon this feature request from Dmitry, to make osd tree
show primary-affinity value:


This looks useful in some cases and is simple to implement, so here is
the patch:


But before sending a pull request, I'd like to hear other people
opinion. I wonder if it would be useful for most of the users or they
would rather consider this as a white noice in osd tree output?

Note, currently primary-affinity can be obtain by other ways, e.g:

 ceph -f json-pretty osd dump

Here is an example of osd tree output after the change:

 % ceph osd tree
 # id   weight  type name       up/down reweight        primary-affinity
 -1     3       root default
 -2     3               host zhuzha
 0      1                       osd.0   up      1       0.5
 1      1                       osd.1   up      1       0.75
 2      1                       osd.2   up      1       1
 % ceph -f json-pretty osd tree
 { "nodes": [
         { "id": -1,
           "name": "default",
           "type": "root",
           "type_id": 10,
           "children": [
         { "id": -2,
           "name": "zhuzha",
           "type": "host",
           "type_id": 1,
           "children": [
         { "id": 0,
           "name": "osd.0",
           "exists": 1,
           "type": "osd",
           "type_id": 0,
           "status": "up",
           "reweight": 1.000000,
           "primary_affinity": 0.500000,
           "crush_weight": 1.000000,
           "depth": 2},
         { "id": 1,
           "name": "osd.1",
           "exists": 1,
           "type": "osd",
           "type_id": 0,
           "status": "up",
           "reweight": 1.000000,
           "primary_affinity": 0.750000,
           "crush_weight": 1.000000,
           "depth": 2},
         { "id": 2,
           "name": "osd.2",
           "exists": 1,
           "type": "osd",
           "type_id": 0,
           "status": "up",
           "reweight": 1.000000,
           "primary_affinity": 1.000000,
           "crush_weight": 1.000000,
           "depth": 2}],
   "stray": []}

Mykola Golub
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