Again it depends on what you want to do. I started to evaluate VSM - it's
from intel, and it's what the fujitsu uses in the eternus cd10000 - but it
didn't work for me.

It didn't work for me, because it wants to completely manage all the
cluster, starting from scratch - I have puppet; and it's targetted at the
CentOS crowd - I use ubuntu.

On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 8:05 PM, Craig Lewis <>

> Are you asking because you want to manage a Ceph cluster point and click?
> Or do you need some shiny to show the boss?
> I'm using a combination of Chef and Zabbix.  I'm not running RHEL though,
> but I would assume those are available in the repos.
> It's not as slick as Calamari, and it really doesn't give me a "whole
> cluster" view.  Ganglia did a better job of that, but I went with Zabbix
> for the graphing and alerting in a single product.
> If you're looking for some shiny for the boss, Zabbix's web interface
> should work fine.
> If you're looking for a point and click way to build a Ceph cluster, I
> think Calamari is your only option.
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 4:11 PM, Tony <> wrote:
>> Please don't mention calamari :-)
>> The best web interface for ceph that actually works with RHEL6.6
>> Preferable something in repo and controls and monitors all other ceph
>> osd, mon, etc.
>> Take everything and live for the moment.
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