I react to this point.

Le 20/12/2014 02:14, Francois Lafont a écrit :
>                         when I create my cluster with the
> first monitor, I have to generate a monitor map with this
> command:
>     monmaptool --create --add {hostname} {ip-address} --fsid {uuid} 
> /tmp/monmap
>                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> And I have to provide an IP address, so it seems logical to me
> that a monitor is bound to only one IP address.
I'm reading again this page
and especially this point:


where I can read:

    "Ceph has one network configuration requirement that applies to all 
daemons: the
    Ceph configuration file MUST specify the host for each daemon. Ceph also 
    that a Ceph configuration file specify the monitor IP address and its port."

So if I understand well, a monitor daemon is bound to only one IP.
So I'm a little doubtfully about the possibility of having monitors
which are bound to 2 different addresses and therefore to have 2
different public networks (unless to use routing etc).

François Lafont
ceph-users mailing list

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