Thanks, I'll look into these.

On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Craig Lewis <>
> I think this is it:
> You can also check out a presentation on Cern's Ceph cluster:
> At large scale, the biggest problem will likely be network I/O on the
> inter-switch links.
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 3:29 PM, Robert LeBlanc <>
> wrote:
>> I'm interested to know if there is a reference to this reference
>> architecture. It would help alleviate some of the fears we have about
>> scaling this thing to a massive scale (10,000's OSDs).
>> Thanks,
>> Robert LeBlanc
>> On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Craig Lewis <>
>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 5:16 AM, Patrick McGarry <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> > 2. What should be the minimum hardware requirement of the server (CPU,
>>>> > Memory, NIC etc)
>>>> There is no real "minimum" to run Ceph, it's all about what your
>>>> workload will look like and what kind of performance you need. We have
>>>> seen Ceph run on Raspberry Pis.
>>> Technically, the smallest cluster is a single node with a 10 GiB disk.
>>> Anything smaller won't work.
>>> That said, Ceph was envisioned to run on large clusters.  IIRC, the
>>> reference architecture has 7 rows, each row having 10 racks, all full.
>>> Those of us running small clusters (less than 10 nodes) are noticing
>>> that it doesn't work quite as well.  We have to significantly scale back
>>> the amount of backfilling and recovery that is allowed.  I try to keep all
>>> backfill/recovery operations touching less than 20% of my OSDs.  In the
>>> reference architecture, it could lose a whole row, and still keep under
>>> that limit.  My 5 nodes cluster is noticeably better better than the 3 node
>>> cluster.  It's faster, has lower latency, and latency doesn't increase as
>>> much during recovery operations.
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