On Tue, 16 Dec 2014 16:26:17 +0000 VELARTIS Philipp Dürhammer wrote:

> Hello,
> Read speed inside our vms (most of them windows) is only ¼ of the write
> speed. Write speed is about 450MB/s - 500mb/s and
> Read is only about 100/MB/s
> Our network is 10Gbit for OSDs and 10GB for MONS. We have 3 Servers with
> 15 osds each

Basically what David Clarke wrote, it has indeed been discussed several
Find my "The woes of sequential reads" thread, it has data and a link to a
blueprint that is attempting to fix this on the Ceph side.
Unfortunately I don't think there has been any progress with this.

Christian Balzer        Network/Systems Engineer                
ch...@gol.com           Global OnLine Japan/Fusion Communications
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