On Friday, December 12, 2014, Mike Christie <mchri...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On 12/11/2014 11:39 AM, ano nym wrote:
> >
> > there is a ceph pool on a hp dl360g5 with 25 sas 10k (sda-sdy) on a
> > msa70 which gives me about 600 MB/s continous write speed with rados
> > write bench. tgt on the server with rbd backend uses this pool. mounting
> > local(host) with iscsiadm, sdz is the virtual iscsi device. As you can
> > see, sdz max out with 100%util at ~55MB/s when writing to it.
> >
> > I know that tgt-rbd is more a proof-of-concept then production-ready.
> >
> > Anyway, is someone using it and/or are there any hints to speed it up?
> >
> Increasing the tgt nr_threads setting helps. Try 64 or 128.

Do you just add this to the targets.conf?

nr_threads 128

I have seen my tgt implementation give me very good performance. Much
better than lio and kernel rbd for certain workloads.
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