(On Giant, v0.87)

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Christopher Armstrong <ch...@opdemand.com>

> Our users are running CoreOS with kernel 3.17.2. Our user tested this by
> setting up the config and then bringing down one of the mons. See
> https://github.com/deis/deis/issues/2711#issuecomment-66566318 for his
> testing scenario.
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 8:16 AM, Joao Eduardo Luis <j...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> On 12/11/2014 02:46 PM, Gregory Farnum wrote:
>>> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 2:21 AM, Joao Eduardo Luis <j...@redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 12/11/2014 04:28 AM, Christopher Armstrong wrote:
>>>>> If someone could point me to where this fix should go in the code, I'd
>>>>> actually love to dive in - I've been wanting to contribute back to
>>>>> Ceph,
>>>>> and this bug has hit us personally so I think it's a good candidate :)
>>>> I'm not sure where the bug is or what it may be (see reply to
>>>> Christian's
>>>> email sent a few minutes ago).
>>>> I believe the first step to assess what's happening is to reliably
>>>> reproduce
>>>> this.  Ideally in a different environment, or such that it makes it
>>>> clear
>>>> it's not an issue specific to your deployment.
>>>> Next, say it's indeed the config file that is being misread: you'd
>>>> probably
>>>> want to look into common/config.{cc,h}.  If it happens to be a bug while
>>>> building a monmap, you'd want to look into mon/MonMap.cc and
>>>> mon/MonClient.cc.  Being a radosgw issue, you'll probably want to look
>>>> into
>>>> 'rgw/*' and/or 'librados/*', but maybe someone else could give you the
>>>> pointers for those.
>>>> I think the main task now is to reliably reproduce this.  I haven't been
>>>> able to from the config you provided, but I may have made some
>>>> assumptions
>>>> that end up negating the whole bug.
>>> It might require some kind of library bug, maybe...? What OS did you
>>> do this on, and what are people running when they see this not work?
>>> -Greg
>> For what is worth, I tested this against few-days-old master (
>> bc2b9f6bf5fa629e127852720d6ad42ef1276b12) on ubuntu 14.04.
>>   -Joao
>> --
>> Joao Eduardo Luis
>> Software Engineer | http://ceph.com
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