Oh yeah, for the iscsi fio full write test, did you experiment with bs
and numjobs? For just 10 GB iscsi, I think numjibs > 1 (around 4 is when
I stop seeing benefits) and bs < 1MB (around 64K to 256K) works better.

On 12/08/2014 05:22 PM, Mike Christie wrote:
> Some distros have LIO setup by default to use 64 for the session wide
> (default_cmdsn_depth) so increase that (session wide means all LUs
> accessed through that session will be limited by total of 64 requests
> across all LUs).
> If you are using linux on the initiator side increase
> node.session.queue_depth and node.session.cmds_max.
> MTU should be increased too.
> Unless you are using a single processor, changing the
> /sys/block/sdX/queue/rq_affinity to 2 might help if you are noticing
> only one CPU is getting bogged down with all the IO processing.
> For the random IO tests, the iscsi initiator is probably at some fault
> for the poor performance. It does not do well with small IO like 4K.
> However, here is probably something else in play, because it should not
> be as low as you are seeing.
> For the iscsi+krbd setup, is the storage being used the WD disks in the
> RAID0 config?
> On 12/08/2014 01:21 PM, David Moreau Simard wrote:
>> Not a bad idea.. which reminds me there might be some benefits to toying 
>> with the MTU settings as well..
>> I'll check when I have a chance.
>> --
>> David Moreau Simard
>>> On Dec 8, 2014, at 2:13 PM, Nick Fisk <n...@fisk.me.uk> wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> This is a long shot, but have you checked the Max queue depth on the iscsi 
>>> side. I've got a feeling that lio might be set at 32 as default.
>>> This would definitely have an effect at the high queue depths you are 
>>> testing with.
>>> On 8 Dec 2014 16:53, David Moreau Simard <dmsim...@iweb.com> wrote:
>>>> Haven't tried other iSCSI implementations (yet). LIO/targetcli makes it 
>>>> very easy to iQuoting David Moreau Simard <dmsim...@iweb.com>
>>>> Haven't tried other iSCSI implementations (yet).
>>>> LIO/targetcli makes it very easy to implement/integrate/wrap/automate 
>>>> around so I'm really trying to get this right.
>>>> PCI-E SSD cache tier in front of spindles-backed erasure coded pool in 10 
>>>> Gbps across the board yields results slightly better or very similar to 
>>>> two spindles in hardware RAID-0 with writeback caching.
>>>> With that in mind, the performance is not outright awful by any means, 
>>>> there's just a lot of overhead we have to be reminded about.
>>>> What I'd like to further test but am unable to right now is to see what 
>>>> happens if you scale up the cluster. Right now I'm testing on only two 
>>>> nodes.
>>>> Does the IOPS scale linearly with increasing amount of OSDs/servers ? Or 
>>>> is it more about a capacity thing ?
>>>> Perhaps if someone else can chime in, I'm really curious.
>>>> --
>>>> David Moreau Simard
>>>>> On Dec 6, 2014, at 11:18 AM, Nick Fisk <n...@fisk.me.uk> wrote:
>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>> Very strange, but  I'm glad you managed to finally get the cluster working
>>>>> normally. Thank you for posting the benchmarks figures, it's interesting 
>>>>> to
>>>>> see the overhead of LIO over pure RBD performance.
>>>>> I should have the hardware for our cluster up and running early next 
>>>>> year, I
>>>>> will be in a better position to test the iSCSI performance then. I will
>>>>> report back once I have some numbers.
>>>>> Just out of interest, have you tried any of the other iSCSI 
>>>>> implementations
>>>>> to see if they show the same performance drop?
>>>>> Nick
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: ceph-users [mailto:ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com] On Behalf Of
>>>>> David Moreau Simard
>>>>> Sent: 05 December 2014 16:03
>>>>> To: Nick Fisk
>>>>> Cc: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
>>>>> Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Poor RBD performance as LIO iSCSI target
>>>>> I've flushed everything - data, pools, configs and reconfigured the whole
>>>>> thing.
>>>>> I was particularly careful with cache tiering configurations (almost 
>>>>> leaving
>>>>> defaults when possible) and it's not locking anymore.
>>>>> It looks like the cache tiering configuration I had was causing the 
>>>>> problem
>>>>> ? I can't put my finger on exactly what/why and I don't have the luxury of
>>>>> time to do this lengthy testing again.
>>>>> Here's what I dumped as far as config goes before wiping:
>>>>> ========
>>>>> # for var in size min_size pg_num pgp_num crush_ruleset
>>>>> erasure_code_profile; do ceph osd pool get volumes $var; done
>>>>> size: 5
>>>>> min_size: 2
>>>>> pg_num: 7200
>>>>> pgp_num: 7200
>>>>> crush_ruleset: 1
>>>>> erasure_code_profile: ecvolumes
>>>>> # for var in size min_size pg_num pgp_num crush_ruleset hit_set_type
>>>>> hit_set_period hit_set_count target_max_objects target_max_bytes
>>>>> cache_target_dirty_ratio cache_target_full_ratio cache_min_flush_age
>>>>> cache_min_evict_age; do ceph osd pool get volumecache $var; done
>>>>> size: 2
>>>>> min_size: 1
>>>>> pg_num: 7200
>>>>> pgp_num: 7200
>>>>> crush_ruleset: 4
>>>>> hit_set_type: bloom
>>>>> hit_set_period: 3600
>>>>> hit_set_count: 1
>>>>> target_max_objects: 0
>>>>> target_max_bytes: 100000000000
>>>>> cache_target_dirty_ratio: 0.5
>>>>> cache_target_full_ratio: 0.8
>>>>> cache_min_flush_age: 600
>>>>> cache_min_evict_age: 1800
>>>>> # ceph osd erasure-code-profile get ecvolumes
>>>>> directory=/usr/lib/ceph/erasure-code
>>>>> k=3
>>>>> m=2
>>>>> plugin=jerasure
>>>>> ruleset-failure-domain=osd
>>>>> technique=reed_sol_van
>>>>> ========
>>>>> And now:
>>>>> ========
>>>>> # for var in size min_size pg_num pgp_num crush_ruleset
>>>>> erasure_code_profile; do ceph osd pool get volumes $var; done
>>>>> size: 5
>>>>> min_size: 3
>>>>> pg_num: 2048
>>>>> pgp_num: 2048
>>>>> crush_ruleset: 1
>>>>> erasure_code_profile: ecvolumes
>>>>> # for var in size min_size pg_num pgp_num crush_ruleset hit_set_type
>>>>> hit_set_period hit_set_count target_max_objects target_max_bytes
>>>>> cache_target_dirty_ratio cache_target_full_ratio cache_min_flush_age
>>>>> cache_min_evict_age; do ceph osd pool get volumecache $var; done
>>>>> size: 2
>>>>> min_size: 1
>>>>> pg_num: 2048
>>>>> pgp_num: 2048
>>>>> crush_ruleset: 4
>>>>> hit_set_type: bloom
>>>>> hit_set_period: 3600
>>>>> hit_set_count: 1
>>>>> target_max_objects: 0
>>>>> target_max_bytes: 150000000000
>>>>> cache_target_dirty_ratio: 0.5
>>>>> cache_target_full_ratio: 0.8
>>>>> cache_min_flush_age: 0
>>>>> cache_min_evict_age: 1800
>>>>> # ceph osd erasure-code-profile get ecvolumes
>>>>> directory=/usr/lib/ceph/erasure-code
>>>>> k=3
>>>>> m=2
>>>>> plugin=jerasure
>>>>> ruleset-failure-domain=osd
>>>>> technique=reed_sol_van
>>>>> ========
>>>>> Crush map hasn't really changed before and after.
>>>>> FWIW, the benchmarks I pulled out of the setup:
>>>>> https://gist.github.com/dmsimard/2737832d077cfc5eff34
>>>>> Definite overhead going from krbd to krbd + LIO...
>>>>> --
>>>>> David Moreau Simard
>>>>>> On Nov 20, 2014, at 4:14 PM, Nick Fisk <n...@fisk.me.uk> wrote:
>>>>>> Here you go:-
>>>>>> Erasure Profile
>>>>>> k=2
>>>>>> m=1
>>>>>> plugin=jerasure
>>>>>> ruleset-failure-domain=osd
>>>>>> ruleset-root=hdd
>>>>>> technique=reed_sol_van
>>>>>> Cache Settings
>>>>>> hit_set_type: bloom
>>>>>> hit_set_period: 3600
>>>>>> hit_set_count: 1
>>>>>> target_max_objects
>>>>>> target_max_objects: 0
>>>>>> target_max_bytes: 1000000000
>>>>>> cache_target_dirty_ratio: 0.4
>>>>>> cache_target_full_ratio: 0.8
>>>>>> cache_min_flush_age: 0
>>>>>> cache_min_evict_age: 0
>>>>>> Crush Dump
>>>>>> # begin crush map
>>>>>> tunable choose_local_tries 0
>>>>>> tunable choose_local_fallback_tries 0
>>>>>> tunable choose_total_tries 50
>>>>>> tunable chooseleaf_descend_once 1
>>>>>> # devices
>>>>>> device 0 osd.0
>>>>>> device 1 osd.1
>>>>>> device 2 osd.2
>>>>>> device 3 osd.3
>>>>>> # types
>>>>>> type 0 osd
>>>>>> type 1 host
>>>>>> type 2 chassis
>>>>>> type 3 rack
>>>>>> type 4 row
>>>>>> type 5 pdu
>>>>>> type 6 pod
>>>>>> type 7 room
>>>>>> type 8 datacenter
>>>>>> type 9 region
>>>>>> type 10 root
>>>>>> # buckets
>>>>>> host ceph-test-hdd {
>>>>>>      id -5           # do not change unnecessarily
>>>>>>      # weight 2.730
>>>>>>      alg straw
>>>>>>      hash 0  # rjenkins1
>>>>>>      item osd.1 weight 0.910
>>>>>>      item osd.2 weight 0.910
>>>>>>      item osd.0 weight 0.910
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> root hdd {
>>>>>>      id -3           # do not change unnecessarily
>>>>>>      # weight 2.730
>>>>>>      alg straw
>>>>>>      hash 0  # rjenkins1
>>>>>>      item ceph-test-hdd weight 2.730 } host ceph-test-ssd {
>>>>>>      id -6           # do not change unnecessarily
>>>>>>      # weight 1.000
>>>>>>      alg straw
>>>>>>      hash 0  # rjenkins1
>>>>>>      item osd.3 weight 1.000
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> root ssd {
>>>>>>      id -4           # do not change unnecessarily
>>>>>>      # weight 1.000
>>>>>>      alg straw
>>>>>>      hash 0  # rjenkins1
>>>>>>      item ceph-test-ssd weight 1.000 }
>>>>>> # rules
>>>>>> rule hdd {
>>>>>>      ruleset 0
>>>>>>      type replicated
>>>>>>      min_size 0
>>>>>>      max_size 10
>>>>>>      step take hdd
>>>>>>      step chooseleaf firstn 0 type osd
>>>>>>      step emit
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> rule ssd {
>>>>>>      ruleset 1
>>>>>>      type replicated
>>>>>>      min_size 0
>>>>>>      max_size 4
>>>>>>      step take ssd
>>>>>>      step chooseleaf firstn 0 type osd
>>>>>>      step emit
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> rule ecpool {
>>>>>>      ruleset 2
>>>>>>      type erasure
>>>>>>      min_size 3
>>>>>>      max_size 20
>>>>>>      step set_chooseleaf_tries 5
>>>>>>      step take hdd
>>>>>>      step chooseleaf indep 0 type osd
>>>>>>      step emit
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: ceph-users [mailto:ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com] On Behalf
>>>>>> Of David Moreau Simard
>>>>>> Sent: 20 November 2014 20:03
>>>>>> To: Nick Fisk
>>>>>> Cc: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Poor RBD performance as LIO iSCSI target
>>>>>> Nick,
>>>>>> Can you share more datails on the configuration you are using ? I'll
>>>>>> try and duplicate those configurations in my environment and see what
>>>>> happens.
>>>>>> I'm mostly interested in:
>>>>>> - Erasure code profile (k, m, plugin, ruleset-failure-domain)
>>>>>> - Cache tiering pool configuration (ex: hit_set_type, hit_set_period,
>>>>>> hit_set_count, target_max_objects, target_max_bytes,
>>>>>> cache_target_dirty_ratio, cache_target_full_ratio,
>>>>>> cache_min_flush_age,
>>>>>> cache_min_evict_age)
>>>>>> The crush rulesets would also be helpful.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> David Moreau Simard
>>>>>>> On Nov 20, 2014, at 12:43 PM, Nick Fisk <n...@fisk.me.uk> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>> I've just finished running the 75GB fio test you posted a few days
>>>>>>> back on my new test cluster.
>>>>>>> The cluster is as follows:-
>>>>>>> Single server with 3x hdd and 1 ssd
>>>>>>> Ubuntu 14.04 with 3.16.7 kernel
>>>>>>> 2+1 EC pool on hdds below a 10G ssd cache pool. SSD is also
>>>>>>> 2+partitioned to
>>>>>>> provide journals for hdds.
>>>>>>> 150G RBD mapped locally
>>>>>>> The fio test seemed to run without any problems. I want to run a few
>>>>>>> more tests with different settings to see if I can reproduce your
>>>>>>> problem. I will let you know if I find anything.
>>>>>>> If there is anything you would like me to try, please let me know.
>>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: ceph-users [mailto:ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com] On Behalf
>>>>>>> Of David Moreau Simard
>>>>>>> Sent: 19 November 2014 10:48
>>>>>>> To: Ramakrishna Nishtala (rnishtal)
>>>>>>> Cc: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com; Nick Fisk
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Poor RBD performance as LIO iSCSI target
>>>>>>> Rama,
>>>>>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>>>>>> My end goal is to use iSCSI (with LIO/targetcli) to export rbd block
>>>>>>> devices.
>>>>>>> I was encountering issues with iSCSI which are explained in my
>>>>>>> previous emails.
>>>>>>> I ended up being able to reproduce the problem at will on various
>>>>>>> Kernel and OS combinations, even on raw RBD devices - thus ruling out
>>>>>>> the hypothesis that it was a problem with iSCSI but rather with Ceph.
>>>>>>> I'm even running 0.88 now and the issue is still there.
>>>>>>> I haven't isolated the issue just yet.
>>>>>>> My next tests involve disabling the cache tiering.
>>>>>>> I do have client krbd cache as well, i'll try to disable it too if
>>>>>>> cache tiering isn't enough.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> David Moreau Simard
>>>>>>>> On Nov 18, 2014, at 8:10 PM, Ramakrishna Nishtala (rnishtal)
>>>>>>> <rnish...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Dave
>>>>>>>> Did you say iscsi only? The tracker issue does not say though.
>>>>>>>> I am on giant, with both client and ceph on RHEL 7 and seems to work
>>>>>>>> ok,
>>>>>>> unless I am missing something here. RBD on baremetal with kmod-rbd
>>>>>>> and caching disabled.
>>>>>>>> [root@compute4 ~]# time fio --name=writefile --size=100G
>>>>>>>> --filesize=100G --filename=/dev/rbd0 --bs=1M --nrfiles=1 --direct=1
>>>>>>>> --sync=0 --randrepeat=0 --rw=write --refill_buffers --end_fsync=1
>>>>>>>> --iodepth=200 --ioengine=libaio
>>>>>>>> writefile: (g=0): rw=write, bs=1M-1M/1M-1M/1M-1M, ioengine=libaio,
>>>>>>>> iodepth=200
>>>>>>>> fio-2.1.11
>>>>>>>> Starting 1 process
>>>>>>>> Jobs: 1 (f=1): [W(1)] [100.0% done] [0KB/853.0MB/0KB /s] [0/853/0
>>>>>>>> iops] [eta 00m:00s] ...
>>>>>>>> Disk stats (read/write):
>>>>>>>> rbd0: ios=184/204800, merge=0/0, ticks=70/16164931,
>>>>>>>> in_queue=16164942, util=99.98%
>>>>>>>> real    1m56.175s
>>>>>>>> user    0m18.115s
>>>>>>>> sys     0m10.430s
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Rama
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: ceph-users [mailto:ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com] On
>>>>>>>> Behalf Of David Moreau Simard
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 3:49 PM
>>>>>>>> To: Nick Fisk
>>>>>>>> Cc: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Poor RBD performance as LIO iSCSI target
>>>>>>>> Testing without the cache tiering is the next test I want to do when
>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> have time..
>>>>>>>> When it's hanging, there is no activity at all on the cluster.
>>>>>>>> Nothing in "ceph -w", nothing in "ceph osd pool stats".
>>>>>>>> I'll provide an update when I have a chance to test without tiering.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> David Moreau Simard
>>>>>>>>> On Nov 18, 2014, at 3:28 PM, Nick Fisk <n...@fisk.me.uk> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>>>> Have you tried on a normal replicated pool with no cache? I've seen
>>>>>>>>> a number of threads recently where caching is causing various
>>>>>>>>> things to
>>>>>>> block/hang.
>>>>>>>>> It would be interesting to see if this still happens without the
>>>>>>>>> caching layer, at least it would rule it out.
>>>>>>>>> Also is there any sign that as the test passes ~50GB that the cache
>>>>>>>>> might start flushing to the backing pool causing slow performance?
>>>>>>>>> I am planning a deployment very similar to yours so I am following
>>>>>>>>> this with great interest. I'm hoping to build a single node test
>>>>>>>>> "cluster" shortly, so I might be in a position to work with you on
>>>>>>>>> this issue and hopefully get it resolved.
>>>>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>> From: ceph-users [mailto:ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com] On
>>>>>>>>> Behalf Of David Moreau Simard
>>>>>>>>> Sent: 18 November 2014 19:58
>>>>>>>>> To: Mike Christie
>>>>>>>>> Cc: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com; Christopher Spearman
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Poor RBD performance as LIO iSCSI target
>>>>>>>>> Thanks guys. I looked at http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/8818 and
>>>>>>>>> chatted with "dis" on #ceph-devel.
>>>>>>>>> I ran a LOT of tests on a LOT of comabination of kernels (sometimes
>>>>>>>>> with tunables legacy). I haven't found a magical combination in
>>>>>>>>> which the following test does not hang:
>>>>>>>>> fio --name=writefile --size=100G --filesize=100G
>>>>>>>>> --filename=/dev/rbd0 --bs=1M --nrfiles=1 --direct=1 --sync=0
>>>>>>>>> --randrepeat=0 --rw=write --refill_buffers --end_fsync=1
>>>>>>>>> --iodepth=200 --ioengine=libaio
>>>>>>>>> Either directly on a mapped rbd device, on a mounted filesystem
>>>>>>>>> (over rbd), exported through iSCSI.. nothing.
>>>>>>>>> I guess that rules out a potential issue with iSCSI overhead.
>>>>>>>>> Now, something I noticed out of pure luck is that I am unable to
>>>>>>>>> reproduce the issue if I drop the size of the test to 50GB. Tests
>>>>>>>>> will complete in under 2 minutes.
>>>>>>>>> 75GB will hang right at the end and take more than 10 minutes.
>>>>>>>>> TL;DR of tests:
>>>>>>>>> - 3x fio --name=writefile --size=50G --filesize=50G
>>>>>>>>> --filename=/dev/rbd0 --bs=1M --nrfiles=1 --direct=1 --sync=0
>>>>>>>>> --randrepeat=0 --rw=write --refill_buffers --end_fsync=1
>>>>>>>>> --iodepth=200 --ioengine=libaio
>>>>>>>>> -- 1m44s, 1m49s, 1m40s
>>>>>>>>> - 3x fio --name=writefile --size=75G --filesize=75G
>>>>>>>>> --filename=/dev/rbd0 --bs=1M --nrfiles=1 --direct=1 --sync=0
>>>>>>>>> --randrepeat=0 --rw=write --refill_buffers --end_fsync=1
>>>>>>>>> --iodepth=200 --ioengine=libaio
>>>>>>>>> -- 10m12s, 10m11s, 10m13s
>>>>>>>>> Details of tests here: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=3v9wMtYP
>>>>>>>>> Does that ring you guys a bell ?
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> David Moreau Simard
>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 13, 2014, at 3:31 PM, Mike Christie <mchri...@redhat.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 11/13/2014 10:17 AM, David Moreau Simard wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Running into weird issues here as well in a test environment. I
>>>>>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>>> have a solution either but perhaps we can find some things in common..
>>>>>>>>>>> Setup in a nutshell:
>>>>>>>>>>> - Ceph cluster: Ubuntu 14.04, Kernel 3.16.7, Ceph 0.87-1 (OSDs
>>>>>>>>>>> with separate public/cluster network in 10 Gbps)
>>>>>>>>>>> - iSCSI Proxy node (targetcli/LIO): Ubuntu 14.04, Kernel 3.16.7,
>>>>>>>>>>> Ceph
>>>>>>>>>>> 0.87-1 (10 Gbps)
>>>>>>>>>>> - Client node: Ubuntu 12.04, Kernel 3.11 (10 Gbps)
>>>>>>>>>>> Relevant cluster config: Writeback cache tiering with NVME PCI-E
>>>>>>>>>>> cards (2
>>>>>>>>> replica) in front of a erasure coded pool (k=3,m=2) backed by 
>>>>>>>>> spindles.
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm following the instructions here:
>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.hastexo.com/resources/hints-and-kinks/turning-ceph-rbd
>>>>>>>>>>> - im a ges-san-storage-devices No issues with creating and
>>>>>>>>>>> mapping a 100GB RBD image and then creating the target.
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm interested in finding out the overhead/performance impact of
>>>>>>>>> re-exporting through iSCSI so the idea is to run benchmarks.
>>>>>>>>>>> Here's a fio test I'm trying to run on the client node on the
>>>>>>>>>>> mounted
>>>>>>>>> iscsi device:
>>>>>>>>>>> fio --name=writefile --size=100G --filesize=100G
>>>>>>>>>>> --filename=/dev/sdu --bs=1M --nrfiles=1 --direct=1 --sync=0
>>>>>>>>>>> --randrepeat=0 --rw=write --refill_buffers --end_fsync=1
>>>>>>>>>>> --iodepth=200 --ioengine=libaio
>>>>>>>>>>> The benchmark will eventually hang towards the end of the test
>>>>>>>>>>> for some
>>>>>>>>> long seconds before completing.
>>>>>>>>>>> On the proxy node, the kernel complains with iscsi portal login
>>>>>>>>>>> timeout: http://pastebin.com/Q49UnTPr and I also see irqbalance
>>>>>>>>>>> errors in syslog: http://pastebin.com/AiRTWDwR
>>>>>>>>>> You are hitting a different issue. German Anders is most likely
>>>>>>>>>> correct and you hit the rbd hang. That then caused the iscsi/scsi
>>>>>>>>>> command to timeout which caused the scsi error handler to run. In
>>>>>>>>>> your logs we see the LIO error handler has received a task abort
>>>>>>>>>> from the initiator and that timed out which caused the escalation
>>>>>>>>>> (iscsi portal login related messages).
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