Hi Florent,

I'm sure Red Hat will provide you all you need to compare Ceph with ScaleIO on 
technical merits. IMHO the most significant advantage is not technical, it's 
free as in freedom. If I was to chose a technology to store data for the next 
decades I would make sure that the chosen technology:

* won't corrupt it right away (Ceph and ScaleIO qualify)
* is durable, meaning data stored today can be read decades later (Ceph checks, 
but ScaleIO is proprietary software and can't deliver that)
* is not controlled by a single company (Ceph is supported by a diverse 
ecosystem of competing companies, but ScaleIO is just EMC)

In other words, I would want my data safe forever and refuse that a single 
entity controls the technology to access it.

Voila quoi ;-)

On 08/12/2014 21:43, Florent MONTHEL wrote:
> Hi
> We're working with EMC provider in our company
> EMC is making big teasing to have scaleIO in our environment
> I' trying to integrate CEPH with our RedHat GAM
> Do you have any  sheet or proof of concept that comparing CEPH and ScaleIO ?
> Thanks
> Sent from my iPhone
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Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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