I have identical regionmaps in both clusters.

I only created the zone's pools in that cluster.  I didn't delete the
default .rgw.* pools, so those exist in both zones.

Both users need to be system on both ends, and have identical access and
secrets.  If they're not, this is likely your problem.

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 11:38 AM, Aaron Bassett <aa...@five3genomics.com>

> Well I upgraded both clusters to giant this morning just to see if that
> would help, and it didn’t. I have a couple questions though. I have the
> same regionmap on both clusters, with both zones in it, but then i only
> have the buckets and zone info for one zone in each cluster, is this right?
> Or do I need all the buckets and zones in both clusters? Reading the docs
> it doesn’t seem like i do because I’m expecting data to sync from one zone
> in one cluster to the other zone on the other cluster, but I don’t know
> what to think anymore.
> Also do both users need to be system users on both ends?
> Aaron
> On Nov 12, 2014, at 4:00 PM, Craig Lewis <cle...@centraldesktop.com>
> wrote:
> http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/9206
> My post to the ML: http://www.spinics.net/lists/ceph-users/msg12665.html
> IIRC, the system uses didn't see the other user's bucket in a bucket
> listing, but they could read and write the objects fine.
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 11:16 AM, Aaron Bassett <aa...@five3genomics.com>
> wrote:
>> In playing around with this a bit more, I noticed that the two users on
>> the secondary node cant see each others buckets. Is this a problem?
> IIRC, the system user couldn't see each other's buckets, but they could
> read and write the objects.
>> On Nov 11, 2014, at 6:56 PM, Craig Lewis <cle...@centraldesktop.com>
>> wrote:
>> I see you're running 0.80.5.  Are you using Apache 2.4?  There is a known
>>> issue with Apache 2.4 on the primary and replication.  It's fixed, just
>>> waiting for the next firefly release.  Although, that causes 40x errors
>>> with Apache 2.4, not 500 errors.
>>> It is apache 2.4, but I’m actually running 0.80.7 so I probably have
>>> that bug fix?
>> No, the unreleased 0.80.8 has the fix.
>>> Have you verified that both system users can read and write to both
>>> clusters?  (Just make sure you clean up the writes to the slave cluster).
>>> Yes I can write everywhere and radosgw-agent isn’t getting any 403s like
>>> it was earlier when I had mismatched keys. The .us-nh.rgw.buckets.index
>>> pool is syncing properly, as are the users. It seems like really the only
>>> thing that isn’t syncing is the .zone.rgw.buckets pool.
>> That's pretty much the same behavior I was seeing with Apache 2.4.
>> Try downgrading the primary cluster to Apache 2.2.  In my testing, the
>> secondary cluster could run 2.2 or 2.4.
>> Do you have a link to that bug#? I want to see if it gives me any clues.
>> Aaron
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