What does "ceph -s" output when things are working?

Does the ceph.conf on your admin node
contain the address of each monitor? (Paste is the relevant lines.) it will
need to or the ceph tool won't be able to find the monitors even though the
system is working.
On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 9:11 AM Luca Mazzaferro <luca.mazzafe...@rzg.mpg.de>

>  Hi,
> On 11/13/2014 06:05 PM, Artem Silenkov wrote:
> Hello!
>  Only 1 monitor instance? It won't work at most cases.
> Make more and ensure quorum to reach survivalability.
>   No, three monitor instances, one for each ceph-node. As designed into
> the
> quick-ceph-deploy.
> I tried to kill one of them (the initial monitor) to see what happens and
> happens that.
> :-(
> Ciaoo
>     Luca
>  Regards, Silenkov Artem
> ---
> artem.silen...@gmail.com
> 2014-11-13 20:02 GMT+03:00 Luca Mazzaferro <luca.mazzafe...@rzg.mpg.de>:
>> Dear Users,
>> I followed the instruction of the storage cluster quick start here:
>> http://ceph.com/docs/master/start/quick-ceph-deploy/
>> I simulate a little storage with 4 VMs ceph-node[1,2,3] and an admin-node.
>> Everything worked fine until I shut down the initial monitor node
>> (ceph-node1).
>> Also with the other monitors on.
>> I restart the ceph-node1 but the ceph command (running from ceph-admin)
>> fails after hanging for 5 minutes.
>> with this exit code:
>> 2014-11-13 17:33:31.711410 7f6a5b1af700  0 monclient(hunting):
>> authenticate timed out after 300
>> 2014-11-13 17:33:31.711522 7f6a5b1af700  0 librados: client.admin
>> authentication error (110) Connection timed out
>> If I go to the ceph-node1 and restart the services:
>> [root@ceph-node1 ~]# service ceph status
>> === mon.ceph-node1 ===
>> mon.ceph-node1: running {"version":"0.80.7"}
>> === osd.2 ===
>> osd.2: not running.
>> === mds.ceph-node1 ===
>> mds.ceph-node1: running {"version":"0.80.7"}
>> [root@ceph-node1 ~]# service ceph status
>> === mon.ceph-node1 ===
>> mon.ceph-node1: running {"version":"0.80.7"}
>> === osd.2 ===
>> osd.2: not running.
>> === mds.ceph-node1 ===
>> mds.ceph-node1: running {"version":"0.80.7"}
>> I don't understand how to properly restart a node.
>> Can anyone help me?
>> Thank you.
>> Cheers.
>>     Luca
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