
I have 2 hosts with 8 2TB drive in each.
I want to have 2 replicas between both hosts and then 2 replicas between osds 
on each host. That way even when I lost one host I still have 2 replicas.

Currently I have this ruleset:

rule repl {
        ruleset 5
        type replicated
        min_size 1
        max_size 10
        step take asterix
        step choose firstn -2 type osd
        step emit
        step take obelix
        step choose firstn 2 type osd
        step emit

Which works ok. I have 4 replicas as I want and PGs are distributed perfectly 
but when I run ceph df I have only 1/2 of my capacity which I should have.
In total it's 32TB, 16TB in each host. If there is a 2 replicas on each host it 
should report around 8TB, right? It's reporting only 4TB in pool which is 1/8 
of total capacity.
Can anyone tell me what is wrong?


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