Actually there were 100’s that were too full. We manually set the OSD weights 
to 0.5 and it seems to be recovering.

Thanks of the tips on crush reweight. I will look into it.


On Nov 11, 2014, at 1:37 PM, Craig Lewis <> wrote:

> How many OSDs are nearfull?
> I've seen Ceph want two toofull OSDs to swap PGs.  In that case, I 
> dynamically raised mon_osd_nearfull_ratio and osd_backfill_full_ratio a bit, 
> then put it back to normal once the scheduling deadlock finished. 
> Keep in mind that ceph osd reweight is temporary.  If you mark an osd OUT 
> then IN, the weight will be set to 1.0.  If you need something that's 
> persistent, you can use ceph osd crush reweight osd.NUM <crust_weight>.  Look 
> at ceph osd tree to get the current weight.
> I also recommend stepping towards your goal.  Changing either weight can 
> cause a lot of unrelated migrations, and the crush weight seems to cause more 
> than the osd weight.  I step osd weight by 0.125, and crush weight by 0.05.
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 12:47 PM, Chad Seys <> wrote:
> Find out which OSD it is:
> ceph health detail
> Squeeze blocks off the affected OSD:
> ceph osd reweight OSDNUM 0.8
> Repeat with any OSD which becomes toofull.
> Your cluster is only about 50% used, so I think this will be enough.
> Then when it finishes, allow data back on OSD:
> ceph osd reweight OSDNUM 1
> Hopefully ceph will someday be taught to move PGs in a better order!
> Chad.
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