I am unable to figure out how to install and deploy ceph on a single machine
with ceph deploy. I have ubuntu 14.04 - 64 bit installed in a virtual machine
(on windows 8.1 through VMware player) and have installed devstack on ubuntu.
I am trying to install ceph on the same machine (Ubuntu) and interface with
openstack. I have tried the following steps but it says that mkcephfs does not
exist and I read that it is deprecated and ceph - deploy is there. But
documentation talks about multiple nodes. I am lost as to how to use ceph
deploy and install and setup ceph on a single machine. Pl guide me. I tried the
following steps earlier which was given for mkcephfs.
<<( reference http://eu.ceph.com/docs/wip-6919/start/quick-start/ sudo apt-get
update && sudo apt-get install ceph (2) Execute hostname -s on the command line
to retrieve the name of your host. Then, replace {hostname} in the sample
configuration file with your host name. Execute ifconfig on the command line to
retrieve the IP address of your host. Then, replace {ip-address} with the IP
address of your host. Finally, copy the contents of the modified configuration
file and save it to /etc/ceph/ceph.conf. This file will configure Ceph to
operate a monitor, two OSD daemons and one metadata server on your local machin
[osd] osd journal size = 1000 filestore xattr use omap = true
# Execute $ hostname to retrieve the name of your host,
# and replace {hostname} with the name of your host.
# For the monitor, replace {ip-address} with the IP
# address of your host.
host = {hostname}
mon addr = {ip-address}:6789
[osd.0] host = {hostname}
[osd.1] host = {hostname}
[mds.a] host = {hostname}
sudo mkdir /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0 sudo mkdir /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1 sudo
mkdir /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-a sudo mkdir /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-a
cd /etc/ceph sudo mkcephfs -a -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k ceph.keyring
sudo service ceph start ceph health
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