Hi Chris,
         I am not the expert of LIO but from your result, seems RBD/Ceph works 
well(RBD on local system, no iSCSI) and LIO works well(Ramdisk (No RBD) -> LIO 
target)  ,  and if you change LIO to use other interface (file, loopback) to 
play with RBD, it also works well.
          So seems the issue is in the LIO RBD driver?  May be need some 
tuning, or just not optimized enough through .

From: ceph-users [mailto:ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com] On Behalf Of 
Christopher Spearman
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 5:24 AM
To: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
Subject: [ceph-users] Poor RBD performance as LIO iSCSI target

I've noticed a pretty steep performance degradation when using RBDs with LIO. 
I've tried a multitude of configurations to see if there are any changes in 
performance and I've only found a few that work (sort of).

Details about the systems being used:

 - All network hardware for data is 10gbe, there is some management on 1gbe, 
but I can assure that it isn't being used (perf & bwm-ng shows this)
 - Ceph version 0.80.5
 - 20GB RBD (for our test, prod will be much larger, the size doesn't seem to 
matter tho)
 - LIO version 4.1.0, RisingTide
 - Initiator is another linux system (However I've used ESXi as well with no 
 - We have 8 OSD nodes, each with 8 2TB OSDs, 64 OSDs total
   * 4 nodes are in one rack 4 in another, crush maps have been configured with 
this as well
   * All OSD nodes are running Centos 6.5
 - 2 Gateway nodes on HP Proliant blades (but I've only been using one for 
testing, however the problem does exist on both)
   * All gateway nodes are running Centos 7

I've tested a multitude of things, mainly to see where the issue lies.

 - The performance of the RBD as a target using LIO
 - The performance of the RBD itself (no iSCSI or LIO)
 - LIO performance by using a ramdisk as a target (no RBD involved)
 - Setting the RBD up with LVM, then using a logical volume from that as a 
target with LIO
 - Setting the RBD up in RAID0 & RAID1 (single disk, using mdadm), then using 
that volume as a target with LIO
 - Mounting the RBD as ext4, then using a disk image and fileio as a target
 - Mounting the RBD as ext4, then using a disk image as a loop device and 
blockio as a target
 - Setting the RBD up as a loop device, then setting that up as a target with 

 - What tested with bad performance (Reads ~25-50MB/s - Writes ~25-50MB/s)
   * RBD setup as target using LIO
   * RBD -> LVM -> LIO target
   * RBD -> RAID0/1 -> LIO target
 - What tested with good performance (Reads ~700-800MB/s - Writes ~400-700MB/s)
   * RBD on local system, no iSCSI
   * Ramdisk (No RBD) -> LIO target
   * RBD -> Mounted ext4 -> disk image -> LIO fileio target
   * RBD -> Mounted ext4 -> disk image -> loop device -> LIO blockio target
   * RBD -> loop device -> LIO target

I'm just curious if anybody else has experienced these issues or has any idea 
what's going on or has any suggestions on fixing this. I know using loop 
devices sounds like a solution, but we hit a brick wall with the fact loop 
devices are single threaded. The intent is to use this with VMWare ESXi with 
the 2 gateways setup as a path to the target block devices. I'm not opposed to 
using something somewhat kludgy, provided we can still use multipath iSCSI 
within VMWare

Thanks for any help anyone can provide!
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