
On a 0.80.6 cluster the command

ceph tell osd.6 version 

hangs forever. I checked that it establishes a TCP connection to the OSD, 
raised the OSD debug level to 20 and I do not see


in the logs. All other OSDs answer to the same "version" command as they 
should. And ceph daemon osd.6 version on the machine running OSD 6 responds as 
it should. There also are an ever growing number of slow requests on this OSD. 
But not error in the logs. In other words, except for taking forever to answer 
any kind of request the OSD looks fine.

Another OSD running on the same machine is behaving well. 

Any idea what that behaviour relates to ?


Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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