Hi Ceph,

TL;DR: please register at http://pad.ceph.com/p/kilo if you're attending the 
OpenStack summit

November 3 - 7 in Paris will be the OpenStack summit in Paris 
https://www.openstack.org/summit/openstack-paris-summit-2014/, an opportunity 
to meet with Ceph developers and users. We will have a conference room 
dedicated to Ceph (half a day, date to be determined).

Instead of preparing an abstract agenda, it is more interesting to find out who 
will be there and what topics we would like to talk about. 

In the spirit of the OpenStack summit it would make sense to primarily discuss 
the implementation proposals of various features and improvements scheduled for 
the next Ceph release, Hammer. The online Ceph Developer Summit 
http://ceph.com/community/ceph-developer-summit-hammer/ is scheduled the week 
before and we will have plenty of material.

If you're attending the OpenStack summit, please add yourself to 
http://pad.ceph.com/p/kilo and list the topics you'd like to discuss. Next week 
Josh Durgin and myself will spend some time to prepare this micro Ceph summit 
and make it a lively and informative experience :-)


Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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