Thanks Ilya,
Will try to build client hosts with Centos7 running kernel 3.16.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ilya Dryomov [] 
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 9:34 AM
To: Aquino, Ben O
Cc:; Ferber, Dan; Barnes, Thomas J
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] rbd map vsmpool_hp1/rbd9 --id admin -->rbd: add 
failed: (5) Input/output error

On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 8:11 PM, Aquino, Ben O <> wrote:
> Thank You Ilya!
> Here's the output of dmesg during command execution:
> rbd: loaded rbd (rados block device)
> libceph: mon1 feature set mismatch, my 4a042a42 < 
> server's 2404a042a42, missing 24000000000
> libceph: mon1 socket error on read

The kernel you are running is missing support for EC and TUNABLES3 bits.  I 
believe if you upgrade to the latest firefly release EC bit won't be required - 
it's a bug in 0.80.1.  As for the TUNABLES3 bit, you'll either have to upgrade 
to 3.16.3 or above or disable chooseleaf_vary_r tunable in your crushmap.


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