
We have an Icehouse system running with librbd based Cinder and Glance
configurations, storing images and volumes in Ceph.
Configuration is (apart from network setup details, of course) by the
book / OpenStack setup guide.

Works very nicely, including regular migration, but live migration of
virtual machines fails. I created a simple machine booting from a volume
based off the Ubuntu 14.04.1 cloud image for testing. 

Using Horizon, I can move this VM from host to host, but when I try to
Live Migrate it from one baremetal host to another, I get an error 
message “Failed to live migrate instance to host ’node02’".

The only related log entry I recognize is in the controller’s nova-api.log:

2014-09-25 17:15:47.679 3616 INFO nova.api.openstack.wsgi 
[req-f3dc3c2e-d366-40c5-a1f1-31db71afd87a f833f8e2d1104e66b9abe9923751dcf2 
a908a95a87cc42cd87ff97da4733c414] HTTP exception thrown: Compute service of 
node02.baremetal.clusterb.centerdevice.local is unavailable at this time.
2014-09-25 17:15:47.680 3616 INFO nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server 
[req-f3dc3c2e-d366-40c5-a1f1-31db71afd87a f833f8e2d1104e66b9abe9923751dcf2 
a908a95a87cc42cd87ff97da4733c414] "POST 
 HTTP/1.1" status: 400 len: 333 time: 0.1479030

I cannot see anything of value on the destination host itself.

New machines get scheduled there, so the compute service cannot really
be down.

In this thread Travis 
describes a similar situation, however that was on Folsom, so I wonder if it
is still applicable.

Would be great to get some outside opinion :)


Daniel Schneller
Mobile Development Lead
CenterDevice GmbH                  | Merscheider Straße 1
                                   | 42699 Solingen
tel: +49 1754155711                | Deutschland
daniel.schnel...@centerdevice.com  | www.centerdevice.com

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