Has the command for manually starting and stopping OSDs changed? 

The documentation for troubleshooting OSDs  
mentions restarting OSDs with the command;

ceph osd start osd.{num}
Yet I find, using Firefly 0.80.5

piers@sol:/etc/ceph$ ceph osd start osd.1
no valid command found; 10 closest matches:
osd tier remove <poolname> <poolname>
osd tier cache-mode <poolname> none|writeback|forward|readonly
osd thrash <int[0-]>
osd tier add <poolname> <poolname> {--force-nonempty}
osd pool stats {<name>}
osd reweight-by-utilization {<int[100-]>}
osd pool set <poolname> 
 <val> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
osd pool set-quota <poolname> max_objects|max_bytes <val>
osd pool rename <poolname> <poolname>
osd pool get <poolname> 
Error EINVAL: invalid command

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