No, removing the snapshots didn't solve my problem.  I eventually traced
this problem to XFS deadlocks caused by
  "osd mkfs options xfs": "-l size=1024m -n size=64k -i size=2048 -s

Changing to just "-s size=4096", and reformatting all OSDs solved this

Since then, I ran into  Snapshots are
off until I've deployed Firefly.

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 8:09 AM, Florian Haas <> wrote:

> Hi Craig,
> just dug this up in the list archives.
> On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 2:04 AM, Craig Lewis <>
> wrote:
> > In the interest of removing variables, I removed all snapshots on all
> pools,
> > then restarted all ceph daemons at the same time.  This brought up osd.8
> as
> > well.
> So just to summarize this: your 100% CPU problem at the time went away
> after you removed all snapshots, and the actual cause of the issue was
> never found?
> I am seeing a similar issue now, and have filed
> to make sure it doesn't get lost
> again. Can you take a look at that issue and let me know if anything
> in the description sounds familiar?
> You mentioned in a later message in the same thread that you would
> keep your snapshot script running and "repeat the experiment". Did the
> situation change in any way after that? Did the issue come back? Or
> did you just stop using snapshots altogether?
> Cheers,
> Florian
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