On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Florent B <flor...@coppint.com> wrote:
> On 09/12/2014 07:38 PM, Gregory Farnum wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 6:49 AM, Florent Bautista <flor...@coppint.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Today I have a problem using CephFS. I use firefly last release, with
>>> kernel 3.16 client (Debian experimental).
>>> I have a directory in CephFS, associated to a pool "pool2" (with
>>> set_layout).
>>> All is working fine, I can add and remove files, objects are stored in
>>> the right pool.
>>> But when Ceph cluster is overloaded (or for another reason, I don't
>>> know), sometimes when I remove a file, objects are not deleted in rados !
>> CephFS file removal is asynchronous with you removing it from the
>> filesystem. The files get moved into a "stray" directory and will get
>> deleted once nobody holds references to them any more.
> My client is the only mounted and does not use files.

"does not use files"...what?

> This problems occurs when I delete files with "rm", but not when I use
> given rsync command.
>>> I explain : I want to remove a large directory, containing millions of
>>> files. For a moment, objects are really deleted in rados (I see it in
>>> "rados df"), but when I start to do some heavy operations (like moving
>>> volumes in rdb), objects are not deleted anymore, "rados df" returns a
>>> fixed number of objects. I can see that files are still deleting because
>>> I use rsync (rsync -avP --stats --delete /empty/dir/ /dir/to/delete/).
>> What do you mean you're rsyncing and can see files deleting? I don't 
>> understand.
> When you run command I gave, syncing an empty dir with the dir you want
> deleted, rsync is telling you "Deleting (file)" for each file to unlink.
>> Anyway, It's *possible* that the client is holding capabilities on the
>> deleted files and isn't handing them back, in which case unmounting it
>> would drop them (and then you could remount). I don't think we have
>> any commands designed to hasten that, though.
> unmounting does not help.
> When I unlink() via rsync, objects are deleted in rados (it makes all
> cluster slow down, and have slow requests).
> When I use rm command, it is much faster but objects are not deleted in
> rados !

I think you're not doing what you think you're doing, then...those two
actions should look the same to CephFS.

> When I re-mount root CephFS, there are no files, all empty.
> But still have 125 MB of objects in "metadata" pool and 21.57 GB in my
> data pool (and it does not decrease...)...

Well, the metadata pool is never going to be emptied; that holds your
MDS journals. The data pool might not get entirely empty either; how
many objects does it say it has?
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