That's not how ulimit works.  Check the `ulimit -a` output.

On 9/12/2014 10:15 AM, Christian Eichelmann wrote:

I am running all commands as root, so there are no limits for the processes.

Von: Mariusz Gronczewski []
Gesendet: Freitag, 12. September 2014 15:33
An: Christian Eichelmann
Betreff: Re: [ceph-users] OSDs are crashing with "Cannot fork" or "cannot create 
thread" but plenty of memory is left

do cat /proc/<pid>/limits

probably you hit max processes limit or max FD limit

Hi Ceph-Users,

I have absolutely no idea what is going on on my systems...

45 x 4TB Harddisks
2 x 6 Core CPUs
256GB Memory

When initializing all disks and join them to the cluster, after
approximately 30 OSDs, other osds are crashing. When I try to start them
again I see different kinds of errors. For example:

Starting Ceph osd.316 on ceph-osd-bs04...already running
=== osd.317 ===
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/bin/ceph", line 830, in <module>
   File "/usr/bin/ceph", line 773, in main
     sigdict, inbuf, verbose)
   File "/usr/bin/ceph", line 420, in new_style_command
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 1112,
in json_command
     raise RuntimeError('"{0}": exception {1}'.format(cmd, e))
NameError: global name 'cmd' is not defined
Exception thread.error: error("can't start new thread",) in <bound
method Rados.__del__ of <rados.Rados object
at 0x29ee410>> ignored

/etc/init.d/ceph: 190: /etc/init.d/ceph: Cannot fork
/etc/init.d/ceph: 191: /etc/init.d/ceph: Cannot fork
/etc/init.d/ceph: 192: /etc/init.d/ceph: Cannot fork

/usr/bin/ceph-crush-location: 72: /usr/bin/ceph-crush-location: Cannot fork
/usr/bin/ceph-crush-location: 79: /usr/bin/ceph-crush-location: Cannot fork
Thread::try_create(): pthread_create failed with error
11common/ In function 'void Thread::create(size_t)' thread
7fcf768c9760 time 2014-09-12 15:00:28.284735
common/ 110: FAILED assert(ret == 0)
  ceph version 0.80.5 (38b73c67d375a2552d8ed67843c8a65c2c0feba6)
  1: /usr/bin/ceph-conf() [0x51de8f]
  2: (CephContext::CephContext(unsigned int)+0xb1) [0x520fe1]
  3: (common_preinit(CephInitParameters const&, code_environment_t,
int)+0x48) [0x52eb78]
  4: (global_pre_init(std::vector<char const*, std::allocator<char
const*> >*, std::vector<char const*, std::allocator<char const*> >&,
unsigned int, code_environment_t, int)+0x8d) [0x518d0d]
  5: (main()+0x17a) [0x514f6a]
  6: (__libc_start_main()+0xfd) [0x7fcf7522ceed]
  7: /usr/bin/ceph-conf() [0x5168d1]
  NOTE: a copy of the executable, or `objdump -rdS <executable>` is
needed to interpret this.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'ceph::FailedAssertion'
Aborted (core dumped)
/etc/init.d/ceph: 340: /etc/init.d/ceph: Cannot fork
/etc/init.d/ceph: 1: /etc/init.d/ceph: Cannot fork
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/bin/ceph", line 830, in <module>
   File "/usr/bin/ceph", line 590, in main
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 198, in __init__
     librados_path = find_library('rados')
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ctypes/", line 224, in find_library
     return _findSoname_ldconfig(name) or _get_soname(_findLib_gcc(name))
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ctypes/", line 213, in
     f = os.popen('/sbin/ldconfig -p 2>/dev/null')
OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory

But anyways, when I look at the memory consumption of the system:
# free -m
              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        258450      25841     232609          0         18      15506
-/+ buffers/cache:      10315     248135
Swap:         3811          0       3811

There are more then 230GB of memory available! What is going on there?
Linux ceph-osd-bs04 3.14-0.bpo.1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.14.12-1~bpo70+1
(2014-07-13) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Since this is happening on other Hardware as well, I don't think it's
Hardware related. I have no Idea if this is an OS issue (which would be
seriously strange) or a ceph issue.

Since this is happening only AFTER we upgraded to firefly, I guess it
has something to do with ceph.

ANY idea on what is going on here would be very appreciated!

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