
DELL R720X8,96 OSDs, Network 2x10Gbit LACP.

When one of the nodes crashes, I get very slow I / O operations on virtual
A cluster map by default.
[ceph@ceph08 ~]$ ceph osd tree
# id    weight  type name       up/down reweight
-1      262.1   root defaults
-2      32.76           host ceph01
0       2.73                    osd.0   up      1
11      2.73                    osd.11  up      1
-3      32.76           host ceph02
13      2.73                    osd.13  up      1
12      2.73                    osd.12  up      1
-4      32.76           host ceph03
24      2.73                    osd.24  up      1
35      2.73                    osd.35  up      1
-5      32.76           host ceph04
37      2.73                    osd.37  up      1
47      2.73                    osd.47  up      1
-6      32.76           host ceph05
48      2.73                    osd.48  up      1
59      2.73                    osd.59  up      1
-7      32.76           host ceph06
60      2.73                    osd.60  down    0
71      2.73                    osd.71  down    0
-8      32.76           host ceph07
72      2.73                    osd.72  up      1
83      2.73                    osd.83  up      1
-9      32.76           host ceph08
84      2.73                    osd.84  up      1
95      2.73                    osd.95  up      1

If I change the cluster map on the following:
          |            |
          |            host ceph01
          |            host ceph02
          |            host ceph03
          |            host ceph04
                      host ceph05
                      host ceph06
                      host ceph07
                      host ceph08
What will povidenie cluster failover one node? And how much will it affect
the performance?
Thank you

С уважением, Фасихов Ирек Нургаязович
Моб.: +79229045757
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