Thanks Sahana!

That helped and now it works on OSD's and objectgw nodes and not working
the same trick on mon node.


On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 11:01 AM, Sahana Lokeshappa <> wrote:

>  HI Santhosh,
> Copy updated ceph.conf and keyrings from admin node to all cluster nodes
> (present in /etc/ceph/) . If you are using ceph-deploy , use this command
> from admin node.
> ceph-deploy –overwrite-conf admin cluster-node1 cluster-node2
> *Sahana Lokeshappa*
> * Test Development Engineer I **SanDisk Corporation*
> 3rd Floor, Bagmane Laurel, Bagmane Tech Park
> C V Raman nagar, Bangalore 560093
> T: +918042422283
> *From:* ceph-users [] *On Behalf
> Of *Santhosh Fernandes
> *Sent:* Friday, September 05, 2014 10:53 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [ceph-users] ceph -s error
> Hi All,
> I am trying to configure Ceph with 2 OSD, one MON, One ADMIN, and One
> ObjectGW nodes.
> My admin node gives proper output for command  ceph -s and on other ceph
> nodes gives me similar output below.
> 2014-09-05 10:45:01.946215 7f45d8852700 -1 monclient(hunting): ERROR:
> missing keyring, cannot use cephx for authentication
> 2014-09-05 10:45:01.946239 7f45d8852700  0 librados: client.admin
> initialization error (2) No such file or directory
> Error connecting to cluster: ObjectNotFound
> Can anyone help me to resolve this issue?
> Regards,
> Santhosh
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