On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Konrad Gutkowski
<konrad.gutkow...@ffs.pl> wrote:
> Its just a text file, you can change it/create it on all your nodes before
> you run ceph-deploy.
> W dniu 02.09.2014 o 21:37 J David <j.david.li...@gmail.com> pisze:
>> On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 2:50 PM, Konrad Gutkowski
>> <konrad.gutkow...@ffs.pl> wrote:
>>> You need to set higher priority for ceph repo, check "ceph-deploy with
>>> --release (--stable) for dumpling?" thread.

This is an actual issue, so I created:


And should be fixing it soon.

>> Right, this is the same issue as that.  It looks like the 0.80.1
>> packages are coming from Ubuntu; this is the first time we have used
>> Ubuntu nodes instead of Debian and Debian doesn't have ceph packages
>> in its default repos, so we haven't seen this before.
>> But ceph-deploy installs the ceph repo and the packages in one step.
>> ("ceph-deploy install hostname")
>> So at what point should one change the repo priority to get the desired
>> result?
>> Also, is this a ceph-deploy bug?  Does it need reporting, or is there
>> one already?  Searching found only bug 8533, which sounds like the
>> same issue for yum-based repositories; that bug says it is resolved,
>> but it's not clear whether that applies to .deb repositories as well,
>> nor is it clear what version one has to be at to get the fix.
>> And finally, is it safe to *only* upgrade ceph-deploy?  Will newer
>> versions work with our 0.72.2 ceph cluster?
>> Thanks!
> --
> Konrad Gutkowski
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