Hi folks,

I've come across an issue which I found a "fix" for, but I'm not sure whether 
it's correct or if there is some other misconfiguration on my end and this is 
merely a symptom. I'd appreciate any insights anyone could provide based on the 
information below, and happy to provide more details as necessary.

Summary: A fresh install of Ceph 0.80.5 comes up with all pgs marked as 
active+degraded. This reproduces on 12.04 as well as CentOS 7 with a varying 
number of OSD hosts (1, 2, 3), where each OSD host has four storage drives. The 
configuration file defines a default replica size of 2, and allows leafs of 
type 0. Specific snippet:

  osd pool default size = 2
  osd crush chooseleaf type = 0

I verified the crush rules were as expected:

  "rules": [
        { "rule_id": 0,
          "rule_name": "replicated_ruleset",
          "ruleset": 0,
          "type": 1,
          "min_size": 1,
          "max_size": 10,
          "steps": [
                { "op": "take",
                  "item": -1,
                  "item_name": "default"},
                { "op": "choose_firstn",
                  "num": 0,
                  "type": "osd"},
                { "op": "emit"}]}],

Inspecting the pg dump I observed that all pgs had a single osd in the 
up/acting sets. That seemed to explain why the pgs were degraded, but it was 
unclear to me why a second OSD wasn't in the set. After trying a variety of 
things, I noticed that there was a difference between Emperor (which works fine 
in these configurations) and Firefly with the default tunables, where Firefly 
comes up with the bobtail profile. The setting choose_local_fallback_tries is 0 
in this profile while it used to default to 5 on Emperor. Sure enough, if I 
modify my crush map and set the parameter to a non-zero value, the cluster 
remaps and goes healthy with all pgs active+clean. 

The documentation states the optimal value of choose_local_fallback_tries is 0 
for FF, so I'd like to get a better understanding of this parameter and why 
modifying the default value moves the pgs to a clean state in my scenarios. 

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