On 08/22/2014 10:21 AM, debian Only wrote:
i have  3 mons in Ceph 0.80.5 on Wheezy. have one RadosGW

when happen this first time, i increase the mon log device.
this time mon.ceph02-vm down, only this mon down,  other 2 is ok.

pls some one give me some guide.

  27M Aug 22 02:11 ceph-mon.ceph04-vm.log
  43G Aug 22 02:11 ceph-mon.ceph02-vm.log
  2G Aug 22 02:11 ceph-mon.ceph01-vm.log

Depending on the debug level you set, and depending on which subsystems you set a higher debug level, the monitor can spit out A LOT of information in a short period of time. 43GB is nothing compared to some 100+ GB logs I've had churn through in the past.

However, I'm not grasping what kind of help you need. According to your 'ceph -s' below the monitors seem okay -- all are in, health is OK.

If you issue is with having that one monitor spitting out humongous amounts of debug info here's what you need to do:

- If you added one or more 'debug <something> = X' to that monitor's ceph.conf, you will want to remove them so that in a future restart the monitor doesn't start with non-default debug levels.

- You will want to inject default debug levels into that one monitor.

Depending on what debug levels you have increased, you will want to run a version of "ceph tell mon.ceph02-vm injectargs '--debug-mon 1/5 --debug-ms 0/5 --debug-paxos 1/5'"


# ceph -s
     cluster 075f1aae-48de-412e-b024-b0f014dbc8cf
      health HEALTH_OK
      monmap e2: 3 mons at
election epoch 44, quorum 0,1,2 ceph04-vm,ceph01-vm,ceph02-vm
      mdsmap e10: 1/1/1 up {0=ceph06-vm=up:active}
      osdmap e145: 10 osds: 10 up, 10 in
       pgmap v4394: 2392 pgs, 21 pools, 4503 MB data, 1250 objects
             13657 MB used, 4908 GB / 4930 GB avail
                 2392 active+clean

/2014-08-22 02:06:34.738828 7ff2b9557700  1
mon.ceph02-vm@2(peon).paxos(paxos active c 9037..9756) is_readable
now=2014-08-22 02:06:34.738830 lease_expire=2014-08-22 02:06:39.701305
has v0 lc 9756/
/2014-08-22 02:06:36.618805 7ff2b9557700  1
mon.ceph02-vm@2(peon).paxos(paxos active c 9037..9756) is_readable
now=2014-08-22 02:06:36.618807 lease_expire=2014-08-22 02:06:39.701305
has v0 lc 9756/
/2014-08-22 02:06:36.620019 7ff2b9557700  1
mon.ceph02-vm@2(peon).paxos(paxos active c 9037..9756) is_readable
now=2014-08-22 02:06:36.620021 lease_expire=2014-08-22 02:06:39.701305
has v0 lc 9756/
/2014-08-22 02:06:36.620975 7ff2b9557700  1
mon.ceph02-vm@2(peon).paxos(paxos active c 9037..9756) is_readable
now=2014-08-22 02:06:36.620977 lease_expire=2014-08-22 02:06:39.701305
has v0 lc 9756/
/2014-08-22 02:06:36.629362 7ff2b9557700  0 mon.ceph02-vm@2(peon) e2
handle_command mon_command({"prefix": "mon_status", "format": "json"} v
0) v1/
/2014-08-22 02:06:36.633007 7ff2b9557700  0 mon.ceph02-vm@2(peon) e2
handle_command mon_command({"prefix": "status", "format": "json"} v 0) v1/
/2014-08-22 02:06:36.637002 7ff2b9557700  0 mon.ceph02-vm@2(peon) e2
handle_command mon_command({"prefix": "health", "detail": "", "format":
"json"} v 0) v1/
/2014-08-22 02:06:36.640971 7ff2b9557700  0 mon.ceph02-vm@2(peon) e2
handle_command mon_command({"dumpcontents": ["pgs_brief"], "prefix": "pg
dump", "format": "json"} v 0) v1/
/2014-08-22 02:06:36.641014 7ff2b9557700  1
mon.ceph02-vm@2(peon).paxos(paxos active c 9037..9756) is_readable
now=2014-08-22 02:06:36.641016 lease_expire=2014-08-22 02:06:39.701305
has v0 lc 9756/
/2014-08-22 02:06:37.520387 7ff2b9557700  1
mon.ceph02-vm@2(peon).paxos(paxos active c 9037..9757) is_readable
now=2014-08-22 02:06:37.520388 lease_expire=2014-08-22 02:06:42.501572
has v0 lc 9757/

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Joao Eduardo Luis
Software Engineer | http://inktank.com | http://ceph.com
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