The default rules are sane for small clusters with few failure domains.
 Anything larger than a single rack should customize their rules.

It's a good idea to figure this out early.  Changes to your CRUSH rules can
result in a large percentage of data moving around, which will make your
cluster unusable until the migration completes.

It is possible to make changes after the cluster has a lot of data.  From
what I've been able to figure out, it involves a lot of work to manually
migrate data to new pools using the new rules.

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 6:23 AM, Sean Noonan <>

> Ceph uses CRUSH (
> to determine object placement.  The default generated crush maps are sane,
> in that they will put replicas in placement groups into separate failure
> domains.  You do not need to worry about this simple failure case, but you
> should consider the network and disk i/o consequences of re-replicating
> large amounts of data.
> Sean
> ________________________________________
> From: ceph-users [] on behalf of
> LaBarre, James  (CTR)      A6IT []
> Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014 9:17 AM
> To:
> Subject: [ceph-users] Question on OSD node failure recovery
> I understand the concept with Ceph being able to recover from the failure
> of an OSD (presumably with a single OSD being on a single disk), but I’m
> wondering what the scenario is if an OSD server node containing  multiple
> disks should fail.  Presuming you have a server containing 8-10 disks, your
> duplicated placement groups could end up on the same system.  From diagrams
> I’ve seen they show duplicates going to separate nodes, but is this in fact
> how it handles it?
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