I have the same results.  The primary zone (with log_meta and log_data
true) have bilog data, the secondary zone (with log_meta and log_data
false) do not have bilog data.

I'm just guessing here (I can't test it right now)...  I would think that
disabling log_meta and log_data will stop adding new information to the
bilog, but keep existing bilogs.  If that's true, bilog trim should clean
up the old logs (along with mdlog trim and datalog trim).

On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 5:43 AM, Patrycja Szabłowska <
szablowska.patry...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there any configuration option in ceph.conf for enabling/disabling
> the bilog list?
> I mean the result of this command:
> radosgw-admin bilog list
> One ceph cluster gives me results - list of operations which were made
> to the bucket, and the other one gives me just an empty list. I can't
> see what's the reason.
> I can't find it anywhere here in the ceph.conf file.
> http://ceph.com/docs/master/rados/configuration/ceph-conf/
> My guess is it's in region info, but when I've changed these values to
> false for the cluster with working bilog, the bilog would still show.
> 1. cluster with empty bilog list:
>   "zones": [
>         { "name": "default",
>           "endpoints": [],
>           "log_meta": "false",
>           "log_data": "false"}],
> 2. cluster with *proper* bilog list:
>   "zones": [
>         { "name": "master-1",
>           "endpoints": [
>                 "http:\/\/[...]"],
>           "log_meta": "true",
>           "log_data": "true"}],
> Here are pools on both of the clusters:
> 1. cluster with *proper* bilog list:
> rbd
> .rgw.root
> .rgw.control
> .rgw
> .rgw.gc
> .users.uid
> .users.email
> .users
> .rgw.buckets
> .rgw.buckets.index
> .log
> ''
> 2. cluster with empty bilog list:
> data
> metadata
> rbd
> .rgw.root
> .rgw.control
> .rgw
> .rgw.gc
> .users.uid
> .users.email
> .users
> ''
> .rgw.buckets.index
> .rgw.buckets
> .log
> And here is the zone info (just the placement_pools, rest of the
> config is the same):
> 1. cluster with *proper* bilog list:
> "placement_pools": []
> 2. cluster with *empty* bilog list:
>   "placement_pools": [
>         { "key": "default-placement",
>           "val": { "index_pool": ".rgw.buckets.index",
>               "data_pool": ".rgw.buckets",
>               "data_extra_pool": ""}}]}
> Any thoughts? I've tried to figure it out by myself, but no luck.
> Thanks,
> Patrycja Szabłowska
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