It just hasn't been implemented yet.  The developers are mostly working on
big features, and waiting to do these small optimizations later.  I'm sure
there are plans to address this, but I doubt it will be soon.

If you're interested, you're welcome to contribute:

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 6:21 PM, yuelongguang <> wrote:

> hi
> could you tell the reason, why 'the journal is lost, the OSD is lost'? if
> journal is lost, actually it only lost part  which ware not replayed.
> let take a similar case as example, a osd is down for some time , its
> journal is out of date(lose part of journal), but it can catch up with
> other osds. why?
> that example can tell that  either outdated osd can get all journal from
> others  or 'catch up' has different theory with journal.
> could you explain?
> thanks
> At 2014-08-14 05:21:20, "Craig Lewis" <> wrote:
> If the journal is lost, the OSD is lost.  This can be a problem if you use
> 1 SSD for journals for many OSDs.
> There has been some discussion about making the OSDs able to recover from
> a lost journal, but I haven't heard anything else about it.  I haven't been
> paying much attention to the developer mailing list though.
> For your second question, I'd start by looking at the source code
> in src/osd/ (for standard replication), or
> src/osd/ (for Erasure Coding).  I'm not a Ceph developer
> though, so that might not be the right place to start.
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 7:08 PM, yuelongguang <> wrote:
>> hi,all
>> 1.
>>  can osd start up  if journal is lost and it has not been replayed?
>> 2.
>> how it catchs up latest epoch?  take osd as example,  where is the code?
>> it better you consider journal is lost or not.
>> in my mind journal only includes meta/R/W operations, does not include
>> data(file data).
>> thanks
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