
With EC pools in Ceph you are free to choose any K and M parameters you
like. The documentation explains what K and M do, so far so good.

Now, there are certain combinations of K and M that appear to have more
or less the same result. Do any of these combinations have pro's and
con's that I should consider and/or are there best practices for
choosing the right K/M-parameters?

For instance, if I choose K = 3 and M = 2, then pg's in this pool will
use 5 OSD's and sustain the loss of 2 OSD's. There is 40% overhead in
this configuration.

Now, if I were to choose K = 6 and M = 4, I would end up with pg's that
use 10 OSD's and sustain the loss of 4 OSD's, which is statistically not
so much different from the first configuration. Also there is the same
40% overhead.

One rather obvious difference between the two configurations is that the
latter requires a cluster with at least 10 OSD's to make sense. But
let's say we have such a cluster, which of the two configurations would
be recommended, and why?


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