Thanks for the info! Great data points. We will still recommend a separated
solution, but it's good to know that some have tried to unify compute and
storage and have had some success.

On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 5:50 PM, Mikaël Cluseau <> wrote:

> Hi Zach,
> On 08/09/2014 11:33 AM, Zach Hill wrote:
>> Generally, we recommend strongly against such a deployment in order to
>> ensure performance and failure isolation between the compute and storage
>> sides of the system. But, I'm curious if anyone is doing this in practice
>> and if they've found reasonable ways to make it work in production.
> we are doing this in production since more than 2 years now because we
> couldn't afford more than a 2 nodes solution. There's of course a
> performance impact due to the pressure on the OS, but it didn't caused any
> lock or performance collapse.
> Of course, now that we had some production time behind us, we can afford
> scaling up and separating storage and compute concerns and will do, but
> only to be clean and allow each concern of the cluster to scale
> independently. For instance, I won't hesitate to add drives to compute
> hosts, should a massive increase in storage capacity demand come.
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