
In the last few days I've had some issues with the radosgw in which all
requests would just stop being served.

After some investigation I would go for a single slow OSD. I just restarted
that OSD and everything would just go back to work. Every single time there
was a deep scrub running on that OSD.

This has happened in several different OSDs, running in different machines.
I currently have 32 OSDs on this cluster, with 4 OSD per host.

First thing is should this happen? A single OSD with issues/slowness
shouldn't bring the whole cluster to a crawl...

How can I make it stop happening? What kind of debug information can I
gather to stop this from happening?

any further thoughts?

I'm still running Emperor (0.72.2).


Luis Periquito

Unix Engineer

Ocado.com <http://www.ocado.com/>

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