Dell - Internal Use - Confidential
I am using Suse Enterprise Linux 11 - SP3 ( SLES SP3)

I don't think I have enabled SE Linux ..

Yogesh Devi,
Architect,  Dell Cloud Clinical Archive

Land Phone     +91 80 28413000 Extension - 2781
Hand Phone    +91 99014 71082

From: Matt Harlum []
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 1:43 PM
To: Devi, Yogesh
Cc:; Pulicken, Antony
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Placement groups forever in "creating" state and dont 
map to OSD


What distributions are your machines using? and is SELinux enabled on them?

I ran into the same issue once, i had to disable SELinux on all the machines 
and then reinstall

On 4 Aug 2014, at 5:25 pm,<> 

Dell - Internal Use - Confidential
Thanks for responding
As suggested I tried to set replication to 2X by usng commands you provided

$ceph osd pool set data size 2
$ceph osd pool set data min_size 2
$ceph osd pool set rbd size 2
$ceph osd pool set rbd min_size 2
$ceph osd pool set metadata size 2
$ceph osd pool set metadata min_size 2

It told me -
set pool 0 size to 2
set pool 0 min_size to 2
set pool 2 size to 2
set pool 2 min_size to 2
set pool 1 size to 2
set pool 1 min_size to 2

To verify that pool size had indeed changed - I checked again

$ceph osd dump | grep 'rep size'
pool 0 'data' rep size 2 crush_ruleset 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 64 pgp_num 
64 last_change 90 owner 0 crash_replay_interval 45
pool 1 'metadata' rep size 2 crush_ruleset 1 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 64 
pgp_num 64 last_change 94 owner 0
pool 2 'rbd' rep size 2 crush_ruleset 2 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 64 pgp_num 
64 last_change 92 owner 0
pool 3 'datapool' rep size 2 crush_ruleset 2 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 10 
pgp_num 10 last_change 38 owner 0

However - my cluster is still in same state

$ceph -s
   health HEALTH_WARN 202 pgs stuck inactive; 202 pgs stuck unclean
   monmap e1: 1 mons at {slesceph1=}, election epoch 1, 
quorum 0 slesceph1
   osdmap e106: 2 osds: 2 up, 2 in
    pgmap v171: 202 pgs: 202 creating; 0 bytes data, 10306 MB used, 71573 MB / 
81880 MB avail
   mdsmap e1: 0/0/1 up
Yogesh Devi,
Architect,  Dell Cloud Clinical Archive

Land Phone     +91 80 28413000 Extension - 2781
Hand Phone    +91 99014 71082

From: Matt Harlum []
Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2014 6:01 AM
To: Devi, Yogesh
Cc: Pulicken, Antony
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Placement groups forever in "creating" state and dont 
map to OSD

Hi Yogesh,

By default ceph is configured to create 3 replicas of the data, with only 3 
OSDs it cannot create all of the pgs required to do this

You will need to change the replication to 2x for your pools, this can be done 
like so:
ceph odd pool set data size 2
ceph odd pool set data min_size 2
ceph odd pool set rbd size 2
ceph odd pool set rbd min_size 2
ceph odd pool set metadata size 2
ceph odd pool set metadata min_size 2

Once you do this your ceph cluster should go to a healthy state.


On 2 Aug 2014, at 12:57 am,<> 

Dell - Internal Use - Confidential
Hello Ceph Experts :) ,

I am using ceph ( ceph version 0.56.6) on Suse linux.
I created a simple cluster with one monitor server and two OSDs .
The conf file is attached

When  start my cluster - and do "ceph -s" -  I see following message

$ceph -s"
health HEALTH_WARN 202 pgs stuck inactive; 202 pgs stuck unclean
   monmap e1: 1 mons at {slesceph1=}, election epoch 1, 
quorum 0 slesceph1
   osdmap e56: 2 osds: 2 up, 2 in
    pgmap v100: 202 pgs: 202 creating; 0 bytes data, 10305 MB used, 71574 MB / 
81880 MB avail
   mdsmap e1: 0/0/1 up

Basically there is some problem with my placement groups - they are forever 
stuck in "creating" state and there is no OSD associated with them ( despite 
having two OSD's that are up and in" ) - when I do a ceph pg stat" I see as 

$ceph pg stat
v100: 202 pgs: 202 creating; 0 bytes data, 10305 MB used, 71574 MB / 81880 MB 

if I query any individual pg - then I see it isn't mapped to any OSD
$ ceph pg 0.d query
pgid currently maps to no osd

I tried restaring OSDs and tuning my configuration without any avail

Any suggestions ?

Yogesh Devi
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