Is the '15 minutes or so '  something that can be configured at run time?

On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 8:44 AM, Joao Eduardo Luis <>

> (CC'ing ceph-users)
> On 07/28/2014 12:34 PM, Marc wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  This said, if out of 3 monitors you have 2 monitors down, your cluster
>>> will cease functioning (no admin commands, no writes or reads served).
>> This is not entirely true. (At least) RBDs will continue being fully
>> functional even if the mon quorum is lost. This only applies to RBDs
>> that are already mounted (qemu) at the time of quorum loss though.
>> Meaning: (K)VMs running off of Ceph will remain fully functional even if
>> the mon quorum is lost (assuming you havent lost too many OSDs at the
>> same time).
> True.  Clients will maintain the connections they have to OSDs for about
> 15 minutes or so, at which point timeouts will go off and all work will be
> halted.  New clients won't be able to do this though, as they have to grab
> maps from the monitors prior to connecting to OSDs, and the monitor will
> not serve those requests if quorum is not in place.
>   -Joao
>> On 28/07/2014 12:22, Joao Eduardo Luis wrote:
>>> On 07/28/2014 08:49 AM, Christian Balzer wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> On Sun, 27 Jul 2014 18:20:43 -0400 Robert Fantini wrote:
>>>>  Hello Christian,
>>>>> Let me supply more info and answer some questions.
>>>>> * Our main concern is high availability, not speed.
>>>>> Our storage requirements are not huge.
>>>>> However we want good keyboard response 99.99% of the time.   We
>>>>> mostly do
>>>>> data entry and reporting.   20-25  users doing mostly order , invoice
>>>>> processing and email.
>>>>> * DRBD has been very reliable , but I am the SPOF .   Meaning that when
>>>>> split brain occurs [ every 18-24 months ] it is me or no one who knows
>>>>> what to do. Try to explain how to deal with split brain in advance....
>>>>> For the future ceph looks like it will be easier to maintain.
>>>>>  The DRBD people would of course tell you to configure things in a way
>>>> that
>>>> a split brain can't happen. ^o^
>>>> Note that given the right circumstances (too many OSDs down, MONs down)
>>>> Ceph can wind up in a similar state.
>>> I am not sure what you mean by ceph winding up in a similar state.  If
>>> you mean regarding 'split brain' in the usual sense of the term, it does
>>> not occur in Ceph.  If it does, you have surely found a bug and you
>>> should let us know with lots of CAPS.
>>> What you can incur though if you have too many monitors down is cluster
>>> downtime.  The monitors will ensure you need a strict majority of
>>> monitors up in order to operate the cluster, and will not serve requests
>>> if said majority is not in place.  The monitors will only serve requests
>>> when there's a formed 'quorum', and a quorum is only formed by (N/2)+1
>>> monitors, N being the total number of monitors in the cluster (via the
>>> monitor map -- monmap).
>>> This said, if out of 3 monitors you have 2 monitors down, your cluster
>>> will cease functioning (no admin commands, no writes or reads served).
>>> As there is no configuration in which you can have two strict
>>> majorities, thus no two partitions of the cluster are able to function
>>> at the same time, you do not incur in split brain.
>>> If you are a creative admin however, you may be able to enforce split
>>> brain by modifying monmaps.  In the end you'd obviously end up with two
>>> distinct monitor clusters, but if you so happened to not inform the
>>> clients about this there's a fair chance that it would cause havoc with
>>> unforeseen effects.  Then again, this would be the operator's fault, not
>>> Ceph itself -- especially because rewriting monitor maps is not trivial
>>> enough for someone to mistakenly do something like this.
>>>    -Joao
> --
> Joao Eduardo Luis
> Software Engineer | |
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