Hi Karan,

Once you are able to put objects using RadosGW created user name and
password 90% of the job is done. We have to follow only these steps
1.  Put the configurations specified in
2. Make sure you create object-service and endpoint in keystone.
     $ keystone service-create --name swift --type object-store
$ keystone endpoint-create --region RegionOne --service-id
1132aee9446b4efa83d41375daf231c5 --publicurl
http://firefly-master.ashish.com/swift/v1 --internalurl
http://firefly-master.ashish.com/swift/v1 --adminurl

After these two steps we are good to go. I am using Openstack master,
installed using Devstack. Due to recent patch (11th July), keystone runs
behind apache2. So we have to put WSGIChunkedRequest On in rgw.conf.

Please refer to :

Please dont hesitate to connect with me on hangouts anytime if you stuck in
any issues, I will be more than happy to make it working for you and who
knows you ll provide me solution for my issue.

On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 3:04 PM, Karan Singh <karan.si...@csc.fi> wrote:

> Hey Ashish
> Sorry i can’t help you in your issue , as you are ahead of me . But i
> require your help in setting up what you have already done.
> I need your help in setting keystone authentication for Ceph RGW and want
> to upload containers , objects , listing from Swift CLI. I have a running
> Ceph cluster with RGW configured , i can put objects from Swift CLI to Ceph
> Cluster using username and password.
> Now i want to use keystone authentication so that i do not need to supply
> username and password to store objects.
> Requesting your help with the steps i should take to make this happen.
> ****************************************************************
> Karan Singh
> Systems Specialist , Storage Platforms
> CSC - IT Center for Science,
> Keilaranta 14, P. O. Box 405, FIN-02101 Espoo, Finland
> mobile: +358 503 812758
> tel. +358 9 4572001
> fax +358 9 4572302
> http://www.csc.fi/
> ****************************************************************
> On 28 Jul 2014, at 12:20, Ashish Chandra <mail.ashishchan...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Cephers,
> I have configured Ceph RadosGW for Swift. I have also set authentication
> using keystone. Using Swift CLI I can do all stuff viz. uploading
> container, object, listing. But while using Dashboard I am able to do all
> the stuff apart from uploading an object.
> While uploading an object I am getting 411 length required error in
> backend.
> Any idea what could be going wrong. Please help.
> --
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>   \___________/     |________|     \_______/     |_________|
> Thanks and Regards
> Ashish Chandra
> Openstack Developer, Cloud Engineering
> Reliance Jio
>  _______________________________________________
> ceph-users mailing list
> ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
> http://lists.ceph.com/listinfo.cgi/ceph-users-ceph.com


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Thanks and Regards

Ashish Chandra

Openstack Developer, Cloud Engineering

Reliance Jio
ceph-users mailing list

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